In its place: how scientists of the institute reach new horizons

In its place: how scientists of the institute reach new horizons

Among the five very modern and relevant research topics developed at the institute, there is one particularly powerful and significant. This is an interdepartmental project "Development and analysis of foreign language communication strategies within the cognitive-discursive approach taking into account intercultural characteristics" (supervisor - Ph.D., Associate Professor LV Sukhovetskaya), which is implemented by three departments. It is closely correlated with another Erasmus + project "Development of the capacity to train foreign language teachers as a way to multilingual education and European integration in Ukraine", which is developed by scientists of the institute together with domestic and foreign colleagues. As part of this work, a number of scientific articles have been published in peer-reviewed scientometric publications.

Yes, Candidate of Philological Sciences Elena Vladimirovna Krut together with colleagues in his work "Features of distance learning of foreign languages", indexed in the journal Web of Science "Postmodern Openings", depicts the feasibility of using information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning English as a foreign language (EFL). The main perspectives and problems that arise in the online learning environment are described. The results show that the use of ICT is useful for mastering a foreign language in extracurricular activities. However, there is no perfect or universal mix that is suitable for all EFL learning environments. Therefore, it is argued that for each course should be created mixed programs based on the desires, needs and abilities of students.

Her other work, Distance Learning: A Comparative Analysis of Modern Platforms and Online Services, in the scientometric publication Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, examines the use of modern online platforms and services that have become indispensable tools in higher education, paving the way for developing new effective EFL practices.

In the same peer-reviewed publication of the open science "Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala" the results of two researches of the candidate of pedagogical sciences joint with colleagues are published. L.V. Kokorina. The work "The problem of subject and subjectivity in psychological and pedagogical sciences in the context of training future teachers" analyzes the multimodality of approaches to the concept of subjectivity of primary school teachers in Ukrainian education. Identifies established traditional (mostly destructive) and promising directions of development of the doctrine of subjectivity in the Ukrainian psychological and pedagogical discourse against the background of historical and modern experience. Reveals a number of contradictions in the qualification of this phenomenon, the stability of traditional approaches and the avoidance of interdisciplinary neurophysiological and pedagogical understanding of the problem in Ukraine. The international contribution of the work is to "re-inventory" views on the subjectivity of the post-totalitarian state against the background of world trends. This will allow countries with little experience in the transformation of education, psychology and sociology not to formally adopt the experience of Western democracies, but to acquire constructive traditions in their own discourse.

Lyudmyla Volodymyrivna's second published and indexed Web of Science article "Modern principles of gamification in teaching English as a foreign language" substantiates the didactic phenomenon of gamification as a universal tool for optimizing the educational process among primary school students and any other subjects of educational process.

We are proud of our scientists and sincerely wish them further creative success. We hope that the results of their research will be most effectively implemented for the benefit of the people and the country!

Vladislav Wanda