Online meeting with stakeholders of educational and professional programs "Practical Psychology"

Online meeting with stakeholders of educational and professional programs "Practical Psychology"

On June 16, 2022, a working meeting of the guarantors of educational and professional programs "Practical Psychology" (bachelor, master) with stakeholders took place online.

In the discussion of educational programs, in addition to members of the working group (Borozentseva TV - Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, Gritsuk OV - Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, Drozdova DS - Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor of Psychology), was attended by invited specialists, namely:

  • Reshevska Vira Oleksandrivna, Director of the Bakhmut City Center for Social Services,
  • Oksana Derkachuk, Head of the CleverSpace Development Center (Netishyn), Lecturer, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Ostroh Academy National University (Ostroh),
  • Romashko Yulia Mykolayivna, coordinator of psychological assistance of the Slavic Heart Charitable Foundation, president of the public organization "Open Association of Psychologists-Practitioners" Transformation ",
  • Tkachenko Tetyana Mykhailivna, practicing psychologist (FOP), graduate of GIIM 2019, specialty "Practical Psychology",

GIIM students were invited to the meeting as stakeholders:

  • Revazova Victoria Mykolayivna, candidate of the second (master's) level of higher education, specialty 053 Psychology, group 505;
  • Fedina Alisa Maksymovna - candidate of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, specialty 053 Psychology, group 105.

Among the important issues in the discussion of prospects for improving the OPP "Practical Psychology", the participants of the meeting, in particular, highlighted:

 - inclusion of the topic of first aid in the content of work programs of relevant disciplines,

- the importance of mastering the basics of family counseling, psychosomatics and art therapy,

- intensification of work, starting from the first year of training of applicants, on their cooperation on supervision with practicing psychologists,

- expanding the possibility of learning a foreign language in a professional direction,

- signing agreements on scientific and practical cooperation of the educational institution with social and psychological centers, organizations, foundations.

It is a pleasure to state the satisfaction of employers with the high level of training of GIIM psychologists graduates who are already working in the specialty, and students who are undergoing internships.

We would like to thank the participants of the meeting for their cooperation, appropriate remarks and constructive suggestions for the training of future specialists in the field of practical psychology, which is currently one of the most popular.


Vladislav Wanda