Psychological support for victims

Psychological support for victims

Our institute received a letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "On the resolutions of the Deputy Prime Minister on European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine dated 06.14.2022 No. 14848/0/1 - 22" on the provision of comprehensive assistance to persons who, in connection with the war, suffered from violence, in particular sexual, and on the implementation of the signed Framework program of cooperation between the Government of Ukraine and the UN on the prevention and counteraction of sexual violence related to the conflict.

The news from the territories that were occupied is simply horrifying... Shootings of civilians, torture, rape, looting - these are all the same "Russian peace". In addition to all this, the occupiers left behind another serious problem that needs to be solved as soon as possible. This is a huge amount of psychological trauma caused by the actions of the occupiers.

In response to the letter, we provide the following information:

1. The "Helpline" service of the Kyiv City Center for Gender Equality, Prevention and Combating Violence works around the clock: 044 272 15 00 (from a mobile phone) and 15 00 (from a landline). All calls are free and anonymous.

2. Hotline of emotional support of the International Organization for Migration 0 800 211 444

Free and anonymous help from professional psychologists from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekends.

Vyacheslav Korolev