How not to panic during war. Advice from psychologists

How not to panic during war. Advice from psychologists

The key goal of the aggressor is to cause panic among the population. But panicking is the worst thing you can do right now.

The need for security is natural for humans, and talking about your feelings is also a normal reaction.

So here are some self-help tips:

1. Refer to the dichotomy of control - this is the division of things into those that are under our control and those that we cannot influence. It is necessary to think over several algorithms of actions for different variants of the development of the situation - this will help to get rid of panic behavior and add confidence.

2. Do not deprive yourself of things that bring pleasure (even if it is small) and comfort. It can be coffee or reading a book.

3. Do physical exercises. Physical activity allows you to produce more serotonin and promotes better sleep. The more we fear, the more resources we spend on overcoming the anxiety threshold. Good sleep, satiety and physical activity are the keys to stress resistance.

4. Dose the received information. Choose a few official sources and mass media that you trust, evaluate the received information soberly and take breaks while reading the news. Breaks for physical activity, food, hobbies, etc.

5. And most importantly, don't be left alone with your own experiences. If possible, get together with family and friends, share your feelings, and follow tips 1-4 together.

Take care of yourself and loved ones. Everything will be fine!

Vyacheslav Korolev