The Trade Union Committee of the Primary Trade Union Organization of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Higher Educational Institution "Donbas State Pedagogical University" sincerely congratulates you on receiving your bachelor's degree! We have always been proud of you: energetic, creative, brave, ambitious, funny, talented, smart, inventive... And we will always be proud of you, because we believe in each of you! We believe that the path you have chosen in pedagogy, philology, psychology will lead to the realization of your most cherished dreams! We hope that your rapid professional rise will be an example for our future students. Our dear young colleagues! We are happy about your victory and we hope for you, because the New Ukrainian School and our society need such zealous and persistent, educated and conscious people. You have a great mission: to educate the younger generation and build a new Ukraine. We know for sure that you have enough energy for many interesting and powerful projects. We are sure that you will never stand aside from huge positive initiatives... But, if you need our help or new knowledge - we are waiting for you! A master's degree at the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages is a new and solid stepping stone to the top of your professional Olympus!

Vyacheslav Korolev