Dear entrants!

Dear entrants!

This year, applicants must also submit motivational letters when applying.

The state enterprise "Inforesurs" and the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine have prepared for you a number of tips on creating and submitting motivational letters:  

  • Should cover letters be taken/sent directly to the educational institution?

When registering electronic accounts and submitting applications in electronic form, a motivation letter is attached to each application only through the electronic account. The text of the letter must be typed or pasted into a special window in the "Submission of applications" section.

Motivational letters are provided directly to the educational institution only in case of submission of applications in paper form, which is provided for a small category of applicants.

However, if you want to add copies of materials (diplomas, awards) confirming the provided information to the motivational letter submitted in the electronic office, then they must be sent to the e-mail boxes of the admissions committees of educational institutions.

The electronic cabinet does not provide for uploading any scanned copies of letters or documents to them. Only the text of the letter is attached, which is printed by the Admissions Committee during the registration of the application at the educational institution.

  • How to submit a motivational letter through the electronic cabinet? I don't see such an option.

A letter of motivation is attached to each application at the time of its submission. Therefore, only those categories of entrants for whom the submission of applications is open can fill out the letter in the office. It is now available to entrants based on BSO (9th grade).

For entrants to institutions of higher education based on PZSO (11th grade) or diploma of professional junior bachelor, junior specialist, junior bachelor, application submission will be available from July 29 (to FPO institutions - from July 14). At the same time, an opportunity to add motivational letters will appear in the office. At this time, you can prepare the text of the letter, and when submitting the application, copy it into the appropriate field.

In the electronic office there is a block for this purpose: Submission of applications - Test results - Enter the text of the motivation letter

  • If I wrote the text of the letter in the office, clicked the "Save" button, and I was returned to the main page and nothing was saved?

Most likely, you created the text of the letter for more than 120 minutes, which are provided for one session of working with the office. To avoid such unfortunate cases, we advise you to write the text of the letter in another program, such as Word or Google Docs, and then copy the finished text to the electronic cabinet.

  • Is it possible to edit the text of the written letter in the office?

You can edit the text only before submitting the application. After that (when the application already has the status "Registered in EDEBO"), the text of the letter cannot be edited.

  • How to find out the requirements for a motivation letter?

Requirements for motivational letters are determined by each educational institution in its Rules for accepting documents. We advise you to familiarize yourself with them before submitting applications and prepare the texts of the letters in advance.

  • What is the maximum number of characters when writing a motivational letter in the office?

The format of the field for writing a motivation letter is up to 20,000 characters. At the same time, requirements regarding the volume of motivation letters are determined by the educational institution.

For example, the requirement of an educational institution may be as follows: the length of the letter is not less than 200 and not more than 600 words.

We advise you to adhere to these requirements, because each letter is considered by the admissions committee and taken into account during the formation of the rating list of applicants.

We wish everyone success and successful motivational letters!

Vladislav Wanda