Dear entrants to the master's level for the OP "Practical Psychology" at the GIIIM!

Dear entrants to the master's level for the OP "Practical Psychology" at the GIIIM!

We remind you that during August 10-17 will happen the main session of the master's test of educational competence (MTNK).

The date, time and address of the test is indicated in invitations, placed in the offices of the participants of the entrance exams for the master's degree.

Admission to the temporary examination center starts in 30 min and stops in 10 min before the start of testing. For admission to the center you must have original identity document, and printed invitation.

It is necessary to bring a pen/pencil and, if desired, a bottle of drinking water. Paper drafts will be provided to each participant in the testing room. Participants should leave things that are not provided for in the testing procedure in a specially designated place.

We wish everyone success in testing!

Vladislav Wanda