Dear colleagues, the administration, the trade union committee and the student community sincerely congratulate you on Teacher's Day!

Dear colleagues, the administration, the trade union committee and the student community sincerely congratulate you on Teacher's Day!

Dear colleagues, the administration, the trade union committee and the student community sincerely congratulate you on Teacher's Day!
Finding a vocation to be a teacher, a person carries his mission. Despite troubles and obstacles, he is faithful to his choice. There is no "half" in a teacher's work, and the value of the work results cannot be overestimated. Thanks to your dedication, high human qualities, patience and strength of spirit, millions of children happily go to the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages, which becomes a second home for them. Your ability to empathize, to look for approaches in a non-standard situation, to be a mentor and educator for a student are invaluable.
Your word serves as a moral guide for students, it helps them when making difficult decisions, and motivates them to act. This is how the future of our country is created, when the teacher's wisdom directs the energy of the young. We wish you health, well-being, success, and inspiration. Let the students delight you with their victories and achievements.

Vladislav Wanda