Information for students of GIIIM about the need to fulfill obligations under the contract on the provision of paid educational services.

Information for students of GIIIM about the need to fulfill obligations under the contract on the provision of paid educational services.

The given information applies to all active higher education applicants (students) of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Educational Institution "DDPU".

According to the standard contract on the provision of paid educational services for the training of specialists, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on September 7, 2020 No. 1113, the institution (GIIIM) has the right to: require the customer to pay the fee for the provision of a paid educational service in a timely manner in the amounts, within the terms and in the order established by this contract.

The customer (student or other person) is obliged to pay the fee for the provision of a paid educational service in a timely manner in the amounts, in the terms and in the order established by this contract.

According to Art. 46 of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education"

 Expulsion, interruption of studies, renewal and transfer of students of higher education:

1. The grounds for deducting a student of higher education are:

5) violation of the terms of the agreement (contract) concluded between the institution of higher education and the person who is studying, or the natural (legal) person who pays for such education.

In accordance with Part 3 of Art. 53 of the Law of Ukraine "On Education", education seekers are obliged to:

comply with the founding documents, the rules of the internal procedure of the educational institution, as well as the terms of the contract on the provision of educational services (if available).

All students of GIIIM need timely fulfill the obligations under the contract on the provision of paid educational services, pay debts and pay for the institute's educational services within the term established by the contract.

Vladislav Wanda