Department of Psychology: cooperation with stakeholders

Department of Psychology: cooperation with stakeholders

The Department of Psychology of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the Donbas State Pedagogical University continues cooperation with stakeholders. As part of the joint work on improving the professional competences of students of higher education and on the occasion of World Mental Health Day, Oksana Serhiyivna Derkachuk, psychologist of the Center for Professional Development of Pedagogical Workers of the Netishyn City Council, art therapist, director "CleverSpace" Development Center On October 11, 2022, a webinar was held on the topic: "Art therapy in working with children with special educational needs. A master class on intuitive drawing".

The master class included everyone who wanted to get acquainted with the psychotherapeutic possibilities of art. The participants, among whom were both teachers and students of higher education, made a unique journey to the inner "I".

Vladislav Wanda