Requirements for final papers

Requirements for final papers

Automatic registration of links according to DSTU 8302:2015 online

Drawing up bibliographic references in the list of used sources according to the DSTU 8302:2015 standard requires knowledge of the norms and provisions of the standard regarding different types of sources, signs used, principles of division of references into zones. Using the service "Grafiati» you can issue links for scientific and diploma theses, dissertations, etc. online. The program generates links in accordance with the requirements of the standard. To use it, go to main page of the site, select DSTU 8302:2015 in the list of styles and fill in the fields in the form of adding a source, having previously selected its type.


Examples of bibliographic references in the list of used sources according to DSTU 8302:2015

Below are examples of ready-made links in the bibliography, designed in accordance with DSTU 8302:2015, for various types of sources.

Ivanova V.D. Production technology of beekeeping products: a course of lectures. Mykolaiv: Moscow State University, 2009. 245 p.

Ponomariv O. D. The culture of the word: linguistic stylistic advice. 2nd ed., pp. Kyiv: Lybid, 2001. 240 p.

Brown D. Da Vinci Code. Kharkiv: KSD, 2006. 478 p.

Ponomaryov A. P. Ukrainian ethnography: a course of lectures. Kyiv: Lybid, 1994. 315 p.

Pryshchenko S. V. Color science: teaching. manual 3rd ed., ed. and added Kyiv: Condor, 2018. 436 p.

Parker J. Principles of scientific research. 7th ed. London: Editorial, 2017. 301 p.

Boyarin M. V., Netrobchuk I. M. Basics of hydroecology: theory and practice: teaching. manual Lutsk: Vezha-Druk, 2016. 365 p.

Vyhovanets I. R., Horodenska K. G. Theoretical morphology of the Ukrainian language. Kyiv: Pulsary, 2004. 398 p.

Marisova I. V., Kedrov B. Yu. Systematics of chordate animals. Nizhin: NDPU named after M. Gogol, 2003. 132 p.

Artemenko A. P., Boblovskyi O. Yu. From globalization to individualization: topology of intercultural interaction: monograph. Kharkiv: Shchedra Sadiba Plus, 2014. 215 p.

Klymenko N.F., Karpilovska E.A., Kislyuk L.P. Dynamic processes in the modern Ukrainian lexicon. Kyiv: Ed. House of Dmytro Burago, 2008. 336 p.

Kovalenko A. D., Gerasimchuk O. P., Danyliuk A. S. International lending. 2nd edition Kyiv: Nauka, 2018. 155 p.

Wilson D., Lister P., Andrews A. Modern surgery. Manchester: MAN, 2011. 240 p.

Astronomy: education manual / I. A. Klymyshyn and others. Odesa: Astroprint, 2012. 352 p.

International trade / Yu. G. Kozak et al. 5th ed., revision. and added Kyiv: Center for Education. lit., 2015. 272 p.

Modern Ukrainian language / O. M. Grigoriev et al. 3rd ed., revised. Kyiv: Lybid, 2005. 488 p.

Referencing styles / G. R. Edwards et al. Los Angeles: International Publishing, 2010. 280 p.

Book with no author (with editor, etc.)

Economic encyclopedia / edited by V. V. Shevchenko. Kyiv: Almanakh, 2016. 304 p.

Atlas of zoology / compiled by: H. Tola, E. Infiesta. Kharkiv: Ranok, 2005. 96 p.

Mineralogical dictionary / editor: V. S. Biletskyi, V. G. Omelchenko, G. D. Horvanko. Mariupol: St. view. house, 2016. 488 p.

Routledge handbook of international statebuilding / ed. by D. Chandler, T.D. Sisk. London: Routledge, 2013. 448 p.

Anthology of Ukrainian legal thought / Institute of State and Law named after V. M. Koretsky NASU; in general ed. Yu. S. Shemshuchenko. Kyiv: Jurid. book, 2002. T. 1: General theory of the state and law, philosophy and encyclopedia of law. 568 p.

Etymological dictionary of the Ukrainian language: in 7 volumes / comp.: R. V. Boldyrev et al. Kyiv: Nauk. dumka, 1989. T. 3: Kora—M. 552 p.

Shishkin V. I. Judicial systems of countries of the world: academic. manual : in 3 books Kyiv: Yurinkom Inter, 2001. Book. 2. 336 p.

Small mining encyclopedia: in 3 volumes / edited by V. S. Biletskyi. Donetsk: Donbas, 2007. T. 2: L—R. 652 p.

Shevchenko R. O. Peculiarities of apple tree selection. Botany workshop / ed. O. S. Samiylenko. Kherson, 2018. P. 22—36.

Yarosevich N.B., Chubka O.M., Yakymov A.I. Instruments of debt financing of business entities in Ukraine: legal status, structural dynamics, tax consequences. Theory and methodology of formation of the investment and financial strategy for the development of the national economy : monograph / edited by L. M. Savchuk, A. V. Cherep. Dnipro, 2019. P. 55—89.

Goehr L. The concept of opera. The Oxford handbook of opera / ed. by H. M. Greenwald. Oxford, 2014. P. 92-136.

Article (publication) in a periodical

Zaytseva O. M. Variation in the generic categorization of nouns: (based on the broadcast material of contemporary Ukrainian television). Bulletin of the Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series "Philology". 2018. Vol. 21, No. 1. P. 121—130.

Koltsova Y. I., Nikitin S. V. Production of porous glass-crystalline materials using fuel slag. Questions of chemistry and chemical technology. 2020. No. 1. P. 33—38. DOI: 10.32434/0321-4095-2020-128-1-33-38 (access date: 11.06.2020).

Kapirulya M. Nuclear terrorism in the modern international system. Actual problems of international relations. 2008. Issue 73, part 2. pp. 66-68.

Chua N. Y., Lundbye J. Endovascular catheter as a rewarming method for accidental hypothermia. Therapeutic hypothermia and temperature management. 2012. Vol. 2, no. 2. P. 89-91. URL: (date of access: 06.05.2020).

Andrushchenko V. Academic dishonesty as a challenge to the nation's intellectual capacity. Voice of Ukraine. 2018. July 20. P. 10.

Monayenko A. Does not count outside the queue? Peculiarities of dismissal of judges for violation of oath. Legal newspaper. 2017. January 17 P. 28-29.

Velichko O. R., Lysenko D. P. Reimbursement of material expenses. Newspaper about accounting. 2019. April. P. 16

Electronic resource

"File" or "file": what is the genitive case of the word "file"? Kyiv Dictionary. URL: (application date: 05/20/2020).

The official exchange rate of the hryvnia against foreign currencies as of June 11, 2020. National Bank of Ukraine. URL: (date of application: 11.06.2020).

Pryimak D. M., Tomilenko O. V., Kovalchuk Z. Yu. "Pidodaynyk": how to say it correctly in Ukrainian?. Kyiv Dictionary. URL: (date of application: 06/09/2020).

Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko. URL: (date of application: 05.11.2019).

APA Style Introduction. Purdue University. URL: (date of access: 09.06.2020).

Taranenko Yu. A. Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Cossacks. Zaporizhzhia, 2006. 2 electronic-opt. discs (DVD-R).

Tartak Seven Our format, 2012. 1 electronic-opt. disc (CD).


Yu. A. Gerasimenko. Reception of Ukrainian history in Western European prose of the late 20th - early 21st century: diss. ... candidate philol. Sciences: 10.01.05. Berdyansk, 2018. 259 p.

Nakonechnyi A.B. Forced alienation of land plots under the legislation of Ukraine: dissertation. ... candidate law Sciences: 12.00.06. Odesa, 2015. 225 p.

Urba S. I. Priorities and tools for the development of the agricultural sector in the system of ensuring economic security of Ukraine: diss. ... Dr. Econ. Sciences: 08.00.03. Lviv, 2019. 562 p.

Dissertation abstract

Karga O. O. Transnationalization of tourist services in the conditions of globalization: autoref. thesis ... candidate economy Sciences: 08.00.02. Mariupol, 2019. 22 p.

Yergieva K. I. Piano playing as a genre-communicative and interpretive-stylistic phenomenon: autoref. thesis ... candidate of art studies: 17.00.03. Odesa, 2019. 17 p.

A. E. Zayats. Volyn city society of the 16th - first half of the 17th centuries. : autoref. thesis ... Dr. ist. Sciences: 07.00.01. Lviv, 2019. 39 p.

Materials of the conference

Svyatetska A.V. Dialecticisms in M. Kotsyubynskyi's story "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors": semantic and stylistic aspect. Development strategies and priority tasks of philological sciences : materials of the All-Ukrainian science and practice conference, Zaporizhzhia, October 19-20. 2018 / Classic. private Univ. Zaporizhzhia, 2018. P. 19—23.

Kyridon A., Troyan S. M. Hrushevskyi and the main stages of Ukrainian state formation. International scientific conference for the 150th anniversary of M. S. Hrushevskyi : theses supplement, September 17. 2016, Ostrog / editor: L.-R. Vinar. etc. Ostrog, 2016. P. 44—47.

Ivchenko V. O. The problem of legal regulation of impeachment in Ukraine. Actual problems of modern science and law enforcement : theses add. participants XXV Scientific-practical conf. of cadets and students, Kharkiv, May 17. 2018 / Kharkiv. national University of Internal Affairs affairs Kharkiv, 2018. P. 35—36.

On ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as a state language: Law of Ukraine dated April 25, 2019 No. 2704-VIII: as of April 19 2020 URL: (date of application: 11.06.2020).

Customs Code of Ukraine: Law of Ukraine dated March 13, 2012 No. 4495-VI: as of April 2 2020 URL: (date of application: 06/09/2020).

On the monetary support of military personnel, members of the rank and file and some other persons: Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers. of the Ministers of Ukraine dated August 30, 2017 No. 704: as of January 29 2020 URL: (date of application: 05.05.2020).

On awarding Ukrainian state awards to employees of the Chernihiv Polytechnic National University: Decree of the President of Ukraine dated June 9, 2020 No. 215/2020. URL: (date of application: 11.06.2020).

On named scholarships of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for young scientists — doctors of science: Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine dated February 5, 2019 No. 2676-VIII. Voice of Ukraine. 2019. February 19. P. 4.

On the approval of the Procedure for awarding scientific degrees and assigning academic titles: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers. of the Ministers of Ukraine dated June 28, 1997 No. 644. Official Gazette of Ukraine. 1997. No. 27. P. 105.

Constitution of Ukraine: dated June 28, 1996: as of January 1 2006. Kyiv: In Yure, 2006. 144 p.

Yu. Holovach, R. Plyatsko, G. Svarnyk. Peter Pulyuy and the archive of Ivan Pulyuy. Lviv: Institute of Condensed Physics. of Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2020. 24 p. (Preprint. Institute of Physics of Condensation Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; ICMP–20–01).

Antidote to aggressive tax planning in Ukraine / S. S. Brekhov et al. Irpin: SFS University of Ukraine, 2017. 108 p. (Preprint. Scientific-research Institute of Fiscal Policy University of the Federal Tax Service of Ukraine).

Simon J. Physics of oscillations. Poznań: University of Poznań, 2019. 121 p. (Preprint. University of Poznań; UP-02).

Machine for longitudinal sawing of round logs: pat. 123197 Ukraine: B27B 7/00. No. u 2017 10306; statement 25.10.2017; published 12.02.2018, Bul. No. 3. 4 p.

X-ray diagnostic preparation based on a cone-beam computer tomography for examination of limbs: pat. 140662 Ukraine: A61B 6/03, A61B 8/13, H05G 1/02, G03B 42/02, G01N 23/04. No. u 2019 07999; statement 12.07.2019; published 10.03.2020, Bul. No. 5 (book 1). 1 s.

Collapsible trolley for transporting an inflatable boat: pat. 121790 Ukraine: B60Q 5/00. No. u 2017 09803; statement 24.07.2017; published 11.12.2017, Bull. No. 23. 5 p.

DSTU 8302:2015. Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of compilation. Valid from 2016-07-01. View. officer Kyiv: UkrNDNC, 2016. 16 p.

DSTU 8746:2017. Automobile roads. Methods of measuring adhesion properties of the road surface. To replace DSTU B V.2.3-2-97 (GOST 30413-96), DSTU B V.2.3-8-2003, SOU 45.2-00018112-042:2009; valid from 2019-01-01. View. officer Kyiv: UkrNDNC, 2019. 20 p.

DSTU ISO 14024:2018. Environmental labeling and declarations. Environmental labeling type I. Principles and procedures. To replace DSTU ISO 14024:2002; valid from 2020-01-01. View. officer Kyiv: UkrNDNC, 2019. 18 p.

The Law on Citizenship of the Ukrainian People's Republic. November 15, 1921 TsDAVO of Ukraine (Central state archive of higher authorities and administration of Ukraine). F. 1065. Op. 4. Ref. 96. Ark. 48-50. Original. Typewriting.

Correspondence [of M. S. Hrushevskyi] with printers in Prague, Vienna and other cities about publishing and selling books. February 4, 1922 - December 1923 Central Committee of Ukraine (Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine). F. 1235. Op. 1. Ref. 95.

T. G. Shevchenko Letter to M. S. Shchepkin, 1858. TsDAMLM (Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine). F. 506. Op. 1. Ref. 33.

Different styles of design of the list of used sources and literature ("Science and metrics"):

NATIONAL standards responsible for the design of bibliographic information in scientific work

1. DSTU GOST 7.1:2006. System of information, library and publishing standards. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and assembly rules / National standard of Ukraine. - View. officer – [Effective from 2007-07-01]. - Kyiv: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2007. - 47 p.

State standard DSTU GOST 7.1:2006. System of information, library and publishing standards. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation - a regulatory document for the preparation of bibliographic lists, lists of used literature, lists of literature in scientific works, etc.

The standard does not apply to bibliographic references.

Design examples information about publications in the bibliography according to this standard can be found at link.

2. DSTU 8302:2015. Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of compilation / National standard of Ukraine. - View. officer – [Introduced for the first time; valid from 2016-07-01]. - Kyiv: SE "UkrNDNC", 2016. - 17 p.

The standard is a regulatory document for creating bibliographic references and bibliographic lists of references in scientific works. It establishes the types of bibliographic references, the rules and features of their compilation and placement in documents.

DSTU 8302:2015 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General Requirements and Compilation Rules" does not replace DSTU GOST 7.1:2006 System of Standards for Library and Publishing Information. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation (GOST 7.1-2003, IDT), but it allows you to significantly simplify the compilation of lists of references.

The standard applies to bibliographic references in published and unpublished documents regardless of the medium of information. "List of used literature" (as part of the reference apparatus) is given in the form of a bibliographic record (DSTU GOST 7.1:2006).

Design examples bibliographic references according to this standard can be found at link

INTERNATIONAL styles of citations and references in scientific works

On March 10, 2017, the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine entered into force "About the approval of the requirements for the preparation of the dissertation“.

The requirements determine the structure and rules of the dissertation. In particular, the requirements for the design of the title page, the design of the abstract, the main part, the volume of the main text, sections of the dissertation, the design of the list of used sources, etc. The Ministry of Education and Science simplified the requirements for the list of sources used in the dissertation, normalized the issue of the use of languages when writing the paper, and added an annotation to the structure of the dissertation.

The requirements for the list of used sources in the dissertation are becoming simpler. Optionally, you can use the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of compilation» or one of the 11 international citation styles (MLA style, APA-1,2, Chicago/Turabianstyle, Harvard style, ACS, AIP, IEEE, Vancouver, OSCOLA, APS, Springer MathPhys Style) included in the recommended list of styles for the list of scientific publications that are commonly used in the foreign practice of design of scientific works.

The website of the Ukrainian Library Association published "Methodological recommendations for the design of international styles of citation and references in scientific works". This recommended list includes 9 international styles that reflect all areas of scientific research:

  • IEEE style (engineering, electronics, telecommunications, computer science and information technology)
  • AIP style (physics)
  • Chicago style: Author-Date (physical, natural and social sciences)
  • ACS style (chemistry and other natural sciences)
  • Vancouver style (medicine and physical sciences)
  • APA style (social sciences)
  • Chicago style: Notes and Bibliography (humanities)
  • Harvard Referencing style (humanities and social sciences)
  • MLA style (humanities)

The recommendations will be useful to everyone who is preparing an article for publication in international scientific journals and to Ukrainian publications that are working on changing their own requirements for publishing publications.



: methodical recommendations / authors-compilers: O. Bozhenko, Yu. Koryan, M. Fedorets; editorial board: V.S. Pashkova, O.V. Voskoboynikova-Guzeva, Y.E. Soshinska, O.M. Bruy; Scientific and technical library named after G. I. Denysenko of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"; Ukrainian Library Association. – Kyiv: UBA, 2016. – Electronic. view. – 1 electron. wholesale disc (CD-ROM). - 117 p. - ISBN 978-966-97569-2-3.

The guidelines present the ten most popular international styles of citations and references in scientific works for various fields of knowledge. The recommendations were developed and discussed by a working group of university library specialists within the framework of the Ukrainian Library Association project "Culture of academic integrity: the role of libraries" with the support of the US Embassy in Ukraine. Recommended for publication by the Presidium of the Ukrainian Library Association, protocol No. 7 of September 26, 2016.

RECOMMENDATIONS on preparation of bibliographic lists of literature according to international standards.


: saving time and avoiding mistakes! The service allows you to correctly issue bibliographic entries, automatically converting them to the type that meets the requirements:

  • DSTU 8302 until: 2015 (current standard in Ukraine)
  • GOST 7.1: 2003 (current standard in Russia)
  • ARA 5th edition
  • MLA 7th Edition
  • ISO 690
  • Chicago 16th edition

An important point: the service has the ability to export to Microsoft Word formats. In addition, the service implements automatic transliteration:

  • from Ukrainian (National Standard) to English
  • from the Russian language (ISO 9 (GOST 7.79-2000) system B)


Today, with the help of numerous free online generators of citations, bibliographic positions, appropriate lists of literature, it is possible to easily create and convert references into almost all known international formats (styles) of citation.


DSTU 3582:2013 (ISO 4:1984, NEQ; ISO 832:1994, NEQ) National standard of Ukraine. Information and documentation. Bibliographic description of abbreviations of words and phrases in the Ukrainian language. General requirements and rules

GUIDELINES regarding the execution and registration of qualification papers for higher education holders of the bachelor's and master's degrees of the Chernihiv Polytechnic National University

(with changes introduced in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council dated 12/28/2020, protocol No. 10, and the rector's order No. 120 dated 12/28/2020)

International citation styles (+ examples)

On March 10, 2017, the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine entered into force "About the approval of the requirements for the preparation of the dissertation“.
The requirements determine the structure and rules of the dissertation. In particular, the requirements for the design of the title page, the design of the abstract, the main part, the volume of the main text, sections of the dissertation, the design of the list of used sources, etc. The Ministry of Education and Science simplified the requirements for the list of sources used in the dissertation, normalized the issue of the use of languages when writing the paper, and added an annotation to the structure of the dissertation.
The requirements for the list of used sources in the dissertation are becoming simpler. In particular, you can choose to use the National Standard of Ukraine "Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of drafting. DSTU 8302:2015" or one of the 11 international citation styles assigned to of the recommended list of styles of design of the list of scientific publications, which are commonly used in the foreign practice of design of scientific works.
With recommendations for the design of bibliographic references in scientific works according to the main international styles, you can familiarize yourself in the documents prepared by the Scientific and Technical Library of the Igor Sikorsky National Technical University.

Vladislav Wanda