The National Research Fund of Ukraine announced competitions for scientists

The National Research Fund of Ukraine announced competitions for scientists

On December 20, 2022, the National Research Fund of Ukraine announced a competition for scientific research and development projects "Science for the reconstruction of Ukraine in the war and post-war periods".

The purpose of the competition is to finance collective scientific projects aimed at solving urgent issues of reconstruction of Ukraine in the war and post-war periods.

The competition is held in directions related to the implementation of applied scientific research and development aimed at restoring the production of goods and services or bringing Ukraine to a new level of competitiveness (including in the space industry), developing new technologies and creating new materials for the restoration of industrial production , solving environmental problems that arose as a result of military operations, overcoming public health disorders caused by war, solving food and energy security issues, solving acute social issues, complex rehabilitation of various population groups associated with war injuries, strengthening protection of objects of critical infrastructure (including in the context of cyber security), preservation of cultural heritage (namely, restoration, reconstruction, conservation of cultural monuments, digitalization, etc.) that suffered as a result of military actions and/or occupation.

Application deadline: from December 23, 2022, 00:01 to January 31, 2023, 23:59 (Kyiv time).

The terms of the competition are posted at the link:

Email for inquiries:

Joint competition of the National Research Fund of Ukraine and the University of Cambridge

The National Research Fund of Ukraine announces a new competition "Cambridge - NFSU 2022. Individual grants for conducting research (development) for Ukrainian scientists (with the support of the University of Cambridge, Great Britain)"

The purpose of the competition is to support advanced scientific research and development of Ukrainian scientists who were directly affected by the war in Ukraine in 2022, by providing individual grants with the support of the University of Cambridge (Great Britain).

Thematic directions for which funding will be carried out: a wide range of fundamental and applied problems in all fields of science, related to the solution of the most urgent scientific tasks aimed at the technological, economic, social, and cultural progress of Ukraine.

Date and time of the start of submission of applications: 29.12.2022, 00:01 Kyiv time.

Date and time of completion of application submission: 27.01.2023, 23:59 Kyiv time.

To familiarize yourself with the conditions of the competition, follow the link:

Email for inquiries:

Vladislav Wanda