Attention competition!

Attention competition!

Regional competition within the framework of the All-Ukrainian youth festival "Through the lens of a naturalist - 2023" on the theme "Wildlife".
Both individual participants and teams of three higher education graduates are invited to participate in the Competition.
Works for participation in the competition are registered until 12:00 on February 20.
Terms of the competition.
To participate in the regional competition, you can choose one of three categories (optional): "Photo", "Video", "Animation". The content must be of high quality!
All three categories have a common theme of "Wildlife". We accept works that tell about unique events, unusual, interesting angles of the environment, etc.
Photos are accepted in the format (at least): JPG 72dpi, 800 x 1200pixel.
All video content is accepted in GIF (animation) and MP4 formats with YouTube-like settings.
Send works to e-mail or by file in Telegram +380500652504. Be sure to include your full name and group.
We wish you inspiration and victory!

Vladislav Wanda