Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Friends, happy Valentine's Day!
Today you will learn how this day is celebrated in different countries of the world.


Valentine's Day in England and Scotland in the old days was accompanied by the following custom: young people put in a bag the number of tickets corresponding to their number, with the names of young girls marked on them; then everyone took out one such ticket. The girl whose name the young man received in this way became his "Valentine" for the next year, and he became her "Valentine". This provided for a whole year of relations between young people similar to those described in medieval romances between a knight and his "lady of the heart" (he accompanied her everywhere, composed sonnets for her, played the lute, etc.). Shakespeare's Ophelia mentions this custom in her famous song. It is probably of pre-Christian origin. To this day, Valentine's Day in Scotland and England gives young people a reason for various jokes and entertainment.

In England, there was a belief according to which the first man a girl met on February 14 had to become her Valentine - whether she wanted it or not. But the girls found a way out of the situation: that day they walked blindfolded.

Italians consider it their duty to give sweets to their loved ones on Valentine's Day. In Italy, this day is called "sweet".

Poles visit Poznań on this day. The relics of St. Valentine are believed to lie there, and his miraculous icon hangs above the main throne. Poles believe that forgiving her helps in love affairs.

The Germans consider Valentine the patron saint of the mentally ill, on this day all hospitals are decorated with red ribbons, and a special service is held in chapels.


In Japan on St. On Valentine's Day, women and girls give sweets, mostly chocolate, to men and boys. The Japanese believe that only sweet chocolate can convey the power of love. The holiday itself appeared in Japan after the Second World War. If we compare this holiday with the Ukrainian one, then in Japan girls make more effort than boys. So every girl herself should prepare chocolates for her lover and give them as a gift. Even if you want to give your loved one another gift on this day, you must combine it with dark chocolate or candies.

Such a tradition was created thanks to one entrepreneur who released many chocolate sweets in the shape of a heart with the inscription February 14 before St. Valentine's Day. In Japan, there is a second holiday for lovers, which is celebrated on March 14 - White Day. On this holiday, boys give girls white chocolate and other confectionery. On Valentine's Day, Japanese women give their men chocolate, these sweets are of two types:

giri-choco, it is given to his male friends, colleagues and relatives. This gift has no love connotation and is perceived as a courtesy.
hon-mei - given only to loved ones.
In general, the celebration does not differ from similar ones in Europe or America. Day of St. Valentina is especially common among young people.

In recent years, Valentine's Day has acquired a political tone. It was banned in Saudi Arabia and Iran.

In 2004, the radical Hindu group "Shiv Sena" demonstratively burned "Valentines" in Mumbai.

Vladislav Wanda