Webinars for scientists on using ScienceDirect, Scopus databases and the SciVal analytical tool

Webinars for scientists on using ScienceDirect, Scopus databases and the SciVal analytical tool

During February-May 2023, webinars will be held for scientists in the Ukrainian language on the use of the ScienceDirect, Scopus databases and the SciVal analytical tool, organized by the Elsevier company. During the planned webinars, Elsevier specialists will present Ukrainian scientists with the available opportunities to work with the results of scientific research using electronic databases, analyze scientific information, identify current trends in the development of science and technology, find partners for cooperation, and form effective strategies during the organization and conduct of research. Attention will also be paid to the creation and correction of institution profiles in the Scopus database. In addition to Ukrainian-language webinars, scientists can also register for English-language webinars related to working with Elsevier resources. The schedule of webinars and registration forms for participation in them are available at the following link: bit.ly/3xBxjj3.

A list of upcoming events is available at Elsevier Online Training Hub: A list of upcoming events is available at Elsevier Online Training Hub: https://www.elsevier.com/en-xm/events/webinars/elsevier-training-and-demo-webinars/ukraine

Webinar recording "How to get started with SciVal and perform bibliometric analysis?"


Password: &Rcq5F46

Webinar recording "Profiles of institutions in Scopus - IPW no secrets": https://elsevier.zoom.us/rec/share/zCqMTUGsIWi8Z85mhb7GF3hTcTOMeZJDsUoHXhaOcLVv8ULyS7xatPk6RUZISx-h.bTnW5_tLkaDH0HPo

Password: H9XEh*v0

Vladislav Wanda