The results of the first selection of scientific conferences of displaced Ukrainian institutions of higher education for participation in the OPTIMA project have been announced.

The results of the first selection of scientific conferences of displaced Ukrainian institutions of higher education for participation in the OPTIMA project have been announced.

The project is financed by the EU within the framework of the Erasmus+ program, its coordinator is the Lviv Polytechnic National University, and the consortium includes universities and other organizations from Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Poland and Ukraine.

The project team selected 14 conferences of various topics, including 2 of our conferences: "Regional Studies in the Civilizational Dimension: Directions and Prospects of Progress" (beginning on October 26, 2023), the founder of which is the Department of Domestic and Foreign History, as well as the conference "Literature, Psychology , pedagogy in the perspectives of interaction" (beginning on November 9, 2023) on the basis of the relevant specialized departments of the institute.

The organizing committees of these conferences will receive assistance in creating a modern website for the event with an application and review system, organizational and technical support, international support and online advertising.

We sincerely congratulate the conference organizers and wish for interesting cooperation!

So, friends, we are getting ready to participate in our traditional scientific events in an updated format!

Vladislav Wanda