A new successful experience

A new successful experience

Our guest, doctor of historical sciences, professor of the Uzhhorod National University Ihor Yaroslavovich Todorov, completed the series of lectures "Euro-Atlantic Policy of Ukraine", which he gave between April 24 and April 28. The lecturer is one of the most specialized researchers in the specific issue, the founder of the NATO Information Centers in Donetsk and Uzhgorod universities. The lectures discussed topical issues of relations between our country and the Alliance at various stages of Ukrainian independence, determined the specifics of these relations after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, outlined options for future cooperation.

Second (master's) and third (doctor of philosophy) levels of higher education in history are invited to the lectures. Summarizing the experience of inviting a guest lecturer, the department of domestic and foreign history noted its positive result and the possibilities of expanding forms of cooperation. In this aspect, Professor I. Ya. Todorov's invitation to our history students to participate in the NATO Summer School, which is planned for June in Transcarpathia, became important.

Vladislav Wanda