Beck's questionnaire

Beck's questionnaire

Beck's questionnaire is intended for the diagnosis of depressive states.

All statements of the Beck questionnaire are direct, so to calculate the total result, it is necessary to simply sum up all the points, according to the selected statements.

Questionnaire form

Instruction: Before you is a questionnaire containing thirteen groups (1-13) of four statements (0-3). Please read each group of statements in their entirety. Then choose the one statement from each group that best describes how you feel today, that is, right now.

Circle the number of the statement you chose. Make sure you read all the statements in each group before making your choice.


0 I'm not sad

1 I am sad

2 I'm sad all the time, but I can't do anything about myself

3 I'm so sad I can't bear it


0 I look to the future without much pessimism or disappointment

1 I feel disappointed in the future

2 I feel that I have nothing to look forward to

3 I feel that the future is hopeless and there can be no turning for the better


0 I don't feel like a failure

1 I feel that I have failed more often than other people

2 When I look back on life, all I see is a chain of failures

3 I feel that I have failed as a person (father, husband, wife)


0 I do not experience any particular dissatisfaction

1 Nothing makes me happy like it used to

2 Nothing else satisfies me

3 I am not satisfied with everything


0 I don't feel any particular guilt

1 I feel bad and worthless most of the time

2 I have a rather strong sense of guilt

3 I feel very bad and worthless


0 I don't feel disappointed in myself

1 I am disappointed in myself

2 I hate myself

3 I hate myself


0 I have no thoughts of self-harm

1 I feel that I would be better off dead

2 I have definite plans to commit suicide

3 I will lay hands on myself at the first opportunity


0 I have not lost interest in other people

1 I am less interested in other people than I used to be

2 I have lost interest in other people and have almost no feelings for them

3 I have lost all interest in other people and they do not bother me at all


0 I make decisions about as easily as I always do

1 I try to delay making decisions

2 I find it difficult to make decisions

3 I can no longer make decisions at all


0 I don't feel like I look worse than usual

1 It worries me that I look older and unattractive

2 I feel that there are constant changes in my appearance that make me unattractive

3 I feel that I look ugly


0 I can function about as well as before

1 It takes extra effort to start doing something

2 I have to force myself to do something

3 I can't do any work at all


0 I am not more tired than usual

1 I get tired faster than before

2 I get tired from any activity

3 I got tired sooner than I started working out


0 My appetite is no worse than usual

1 My appetite is not as good as it used to be

2 My appetite is now much worse than before

3 I have no appetite at all

Evaluation of results

A subject is considered to be depressed if he scored more than 25 points. Result less than 10 points indicates the absence of depressive tendencies and a good emotional state of the subject. Intermediate group make up subjects with a mild level of depression of situational or neurotic genesis.

In any case, when interpreting the results of the questionnaire, it is necessary to remember that the state of depression is established by a specialist as a result of an examination and a detailed clinical interview, and the results of the questionnaire can only give a preliminary and approximate idea of the subject's condition.

Vladislav Wanda