Sondi's test

Sondi's test

I offer you a psychological test by the Hungarian psychoanalyst Leopold Sondy. It is called the "Sondi test".

Look closely at these faces. Which of them is the scariest for you?

Imagine this person walking up to you on a dark street? Who wouldn't want to be alone in an elevator? Who makes your palms sweat, which of these 8 people is the most disgusting to you?

Remember the selected number.

All the photos are of Sondi's patients suffering from various anxiety states. Sondi believed that the image we choose can tell a lot about us. And not only about us, but also about those areas of our personality that we deny or hide, about the desires and dreams that we have hidden at the bottom of our hearts, subconsciousness, about what we ourselves refuse to accept in ourselves and in which we contradict ourselves .

I emphasize: whatever results you get - you are not a mentally ill person! Many people admitted that the results turned out to be true. Well, let's not interpret them literally!

Suppression: Hidden Sides.

Replaced by: Actions, people, or habits with which you "counteract" or hide suppression.

Sublimation: What you show outwardly, even if it is not directly related to repression.

1️⃣ Sadist

Most likely, you were dominated by many more influential people - teachers or parents. You suppress the desire to dominate others, as it was done to you in childhood.

You are not a very active person, friendly, like to make people happy.

That is why you take a defensive position if people try to control you. In this way, you are unknowingly punishing them.

But deep in your soul, you like to see the physical and emotional suffering of others. But you consciously ignore the emergence of such thoughts from the depths of the subconscious in all possible ways.

Suppression: the desire to dominate others.

It is replaced by: the formation of a calm and defenseless type of personality, which is always ready to help everyone.

Sublimation: creates barriers if a person resists (for example, is late for work). If he takes a defensive position, he acts passive-aggressively.

2️⃣ Epileptic

You react violently to people's actions - either good or bad. You were taught from an early age that not all actions are useful, so you block the manifestations of such negative emotions as anger, irritation and excessive impulsivity in your life.

You probably wear a perfect emotional mask and you manage to hide negative feelings well, despite the fact that they burst to the surface.

You cover this attitude with gentle and friendly behavior, in the eyes of people you are a peaceful and reliable person. But do not deceive yourself: you are ready to explode with those negative feelings at any moment, which surprises people very much. They did not expect this from you.

Suppression: feelings of anger, irritation or aggression.

Replaced by: the posture of a peaceful and friendly person, gives the impression of a responsible person.

Sublimation: rare manifestations of loss of self-control when provoked or under stress.

3️⃣ Catatonic

It is most certain that you are an educated person with a dynamic mind. Not bad already? That's the deception. To cope with the constant striving for the best, you become a submissive, inhibited person who completely obeys the rules. You don't know your true physical and emotional needs, and neither do your loved ones, so you often feel abandoned and alone.

Suppression: psychological hyperactivity/stormy imagination.

Replaced by: adoption of "typical" behavior.

Sublimation: often takes a defensive position and acts by its own rules.

4️⃣ Schizophrenic

If you have chosen this woman, you probably feel a strong apathy towards your neighbors. You may find it difficult to get along with people and even find it difficult to approach people. Or maybe you can't even find a common language with yourself. Relationships with the opposite sex lack depth.

Instead, you are sociable, like to spend time with family and friends. This is a kind of option for masking loneliness and alienation.

Suppression: a feeling of apathy towards other people.

Replaced by: a wide circle of friends, sociability

Sublimation: do not reveal feelings of alienation, lack of attachment to other people.

5️⃣ Hysteric

You may suppress your desire for attention and approval from other people. Adults told you not to do this when you were a child, so your behavior is modest and sincere. Deep in your soul, you have the desire to be the soul of the company and to charm everyone. But they don't always pay attention to you, on the contrary. You are very attentive to details. You clearly express yourself externally: this is how the subconscious breaks free, because the conscious remains within the limits of modesty.

Suppression: desire for attention and admiration.

Replaces: modest behavior, desire to hide in the shadows.

Sublimation: choose original professions and hobbies. Always strive to have an elegant and sophisticated look to attract attention.

6️⃣ Depressed person

Outwardly, you are a happy and bright personality, as if you live a carefree life. Well, at least, that's how you show the world. Deep down, you struggle with feelings of worthlessness, selfishness, and guilt. However, you try not to pay attention to them and immerse yourself in work and other people. Another characteristic of yours is low self-esteem.

Choosing this particular face does not mean that you are a depressed person, but it indicates your tendency to negativity.

Suppression: feelings of inadequacy/uselessness.

Replaces: Creating a fun and lively personality on the outside. Focusing on work and friends.

Sublimation: playing the role of a "psychologist", solving other people's problems.

7️⃣ Maniac

Most likely, you are a consistent, mature and balanced person. Do not like confusion and excessive explosion of emotions. You do not accept violent people or religious fanatics. But from the inside, you muffle the dynamic impulses that often cause you to break down. Your insides are dynamic and expressive: as a child, you were "quieted" by your parents and teachers.

Suppression: Impulsivity and high energy levels.

Replaced by: logic, consistent behavior, stress resistance.

Sublimation: Avoids places where energy can be released, such as casinos.

8️⃣ Split personality

As a child, you were probably bullied, insulted and traumatized by adults: parents, teachers, other relatives. Because of this, you subconsciously questioned your sexuality: scolded yourself for whether you were a woman or a man. Or they accused other people of not behaving in a masculine or feminine way.

Suppression: thoughts that you are an unwanted sexual partner.

Replaced by: emphasizes gender role.

Sublimation: Sacrificing one's individuality and interests to confirm masculine/feminine expectations.

❗Whatever the results turn out to be, we advise you not to take them seriously, because the test itself lacks scientific justification.

Vladislav Wanda