Successful adaptation of a freshman to studies

Successful adaptation of a freshman to studies

The problem of personal adaptation to new living conditions is extremely urgent, in particular, the stage of entering a university is considered one of the most difficult periods in the life of first-year students. This issue is extremely relevant in the system of higher education, and it is not accidental: the further professional career and personal development of the future specialist largely depends on the success of this process. Traditionally, adaptation involves the active adaptation of an individual to the conditions of the environment - both physical and social. But changes in life are necessary and important for our health and well-being. And it should be appreciated!

Student years are a unique opportunity to visit theaters, museums, exhibitions, etc. Do not waste precious time - expand your horizons, take care of your own spiritual and cultural growth, take an active part in the social life of a student group, an educational institution - in this way, you will have the opportunity to join the ranks of the active youth of the institution, which is a great support for a freshman. Good-will, openness, desire to help, and concern for the lives of others will help you to establish effective interaction, pleasant communication with fellow students and new friends. In addition to communicating with student friends, try to find new friends based on interests (sports, music, books, other hobbies).

The process of adaptation to study at a higher educational institution is special for first-year students who have come to study from another area, because the tempo, living conditions, circle of friends, acquaintances, etc. change.

It is important to remember that a new stage of life brings and reveals new opportunities for professional and personal growth, opens new horizons of interaction and communication with new friends.

Remember that you are not alone and at any moment you can turn to the psychological service of our educational institution, curator, and teachers for wise advice. They will definitely help in solving this or that issue.
Practical recommendations for the adaptation of first-year students
1. Do not violate norms and rules of conduct.
2. Take an active part in the events held at the institute.
3. Follow the recommendations of teachers regarding training.
4. Cooperate with the group and always support each other.
5. Attend classes regularly.
6. Restrain negative emotions.
7. Be confident in yourself and your actions.
8. Do not refuse help to those who need it.
9. Be purposeful, set a clear goal and achieve it.
10. Concentrate your attention on studying.
11. Cooperate with teachers and students.
12. Improve your knowledge and try to achieve new and useful knowledge.
13. Do not be afraid to try something new for yourself.
14. Respect the opinion of others.
15. Be an optimist, believe in your abilities and remember that other people need you.
16. Be bolder in answering questions, participating in discussions - this will help you connect new information with what you already know.

Vladislav Wanda