1. Drink a glass of water in small sips, or at least wet your mouth


2. Touch any surface.

Touching something real helps ground you. Preferably not simple

touch, and describe in your mind what kind of surface it is: smooth, cold, rough


3. Examine the space around you, focusing attention on details

This technique helps to overcome tunnel vision syndrome, which occurs with

a lot of stress, when you get the impression that you can only see

objects in front of you

4. Technique of 5 elements.

Name 5 colors that you see right now in front of you.

Find the 5 smallest and 5 largest objects around you.

Find 5 objects of different textures with your eyes.

Find 5 different sounds (clock, wind noise, birdsong, etc.)

5. Count from 20 to 0 out loud.

This technique helps to normalize breathing. When counting backwards

the frontal lobes of the brain are activated, but any crisis breathing does not begin with

inhalation, and from a long exhalation, therefore, before starting the count, you need to exhale.

6. Assess the temperature of the room and your own body

Thermal monitoring helps to return to the body. Ask yourself if you are cold

hot In crisis situations, the sensitivity of the body disappears in a person, so it is necessary

to consciously regain the feeling of temperature.

7. Exercise "Grounding"

Press your hands against your back or the wall. It helps to ground and feel

external fulcrum.

You can also push yourself from the floor or "drive nails with your heels"

Also help to restore peace:

– singing or humming

- swaying of the whole body

- massage of the eyeballs with the pads of the palms

- alternating tension and relaxation of different parts of the body (especially if you

sitting in one position for a long time and not being able to move).

8. Exercise "Butterfly"

To regain the feeling of your own body, cross your arms in front of you and

put your hands on your shoulders and tap them alternately.

It is important to allow yourself to live a normal life when you are in the

relative safety. To normalize the psyche, you need a feeling that you can

control at least some part of your life.

Therefore, you cannot refuse habitual actions and daily rituals:

  • take a shower as soon as you have the opportunity to "wash away" anxiety and stress;
  • sleep when possible, cry when you want, it helps relieve tension;
  • curse if it helps you release aggression and calm down (but make sure there are no people around who might be frightened by it)
  • do at least minimal exercise to keep your body in good shape
  • if possible, do everyday things: cook food, watch movies, play games with children (or even with adults, for example, Monopoly), etc.
  • observe information hygiene, read the news several times a day, and not every 5 minutes
  • make jokes, browse humorous posts and memes for the day. Humor is an excellent protective mechanism of the psyche.

The most important thing is now is to make your stress an expert. Stress becomes expert,

when you understand how you can fight it and function further.

Vladislav Wanda