Guest lecture

Guest lecture

On May 23, teachers of the Department of Ukrainian Philology and students of the OP Secondary Education (Ukrainian Language and Literature) Psychology attended a guest lecture by Maria Ostroga, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), art. teacher of the Department of Informatics of the A.S. Makarenko State University of Sumatra, currently a researcher at the University of Alberta (Canada). Mrs. Maria talked about one of the main features of the educational process at a Canadian university - a close connection science, education and practice, and also familiarized those present with projects on academic culture and Ukrainian studies.

An extremely interesting part of the report was the question about the intelligent bio-algorithmic system AAS (Autonomous Adaptive Soundscape), which generates individual therapeutic soundscapes for seriously ill patients.

We are sincerely grateful to the head of the department of Ukrainian language and literature, doctor of philological sciences, professor Olena Mykolaivna Semenog for the opportunity to participate in a very useful and relevant event, as well as for many years of fruitful cooperation and support!

Vladislav Wanda