In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine dated April 17, 2023 No. 1/2-56 regarding the procedure for awarding social scholarships to students from among internally displaced persons, we inform you of the following:
"A student who was registered as an internally displaced person before reaching the age of 18 has the right to receive a social scholarship" (more details at the link Letter from the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine)
Given the above-mentioned conditions for receiving a social scholarship, internally displaced persons necessary:
– or provide a copy of the IDP certificate that was issued before you reached the age of 18;
- or contact the Department of Social Protection of the Population at the place of your actual residence to provide you with a certificate of registration in the Unified Information Database on Internally Displaced Persons.
Scanned copies of certificates should be sent to the e-mail address:
The deadline for providing certificates is June 5, 2023. (the employees of the institute will contact you in the near future)
If by the end of the term you do not provide information that you are registered as an IDP before you reach the age of 18, you will be excluded from the lists of social scholarship recipients until you provide the necessary information.
WARNING!!! Students of the 4th year must provide supporting documents until 06/05/2023! This is the last month of your studies at the institute, so it will be impossible to pay the social stipend for June later.
For additional information, contact by phone:
0508817528 New house Olga Olehivna