On August 17, 2023, the heart of a charming girl stopped beating - KATERYNA SERGIIVNA GANNICH

On August 17, 2023, the heart of a charming girl stopped beating - KATERYNA SERGIIVNA GANNICH

On August 17, 2023, the heart of a charming girl - KATERYNA SERGIIVNA HANNICH, a student of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages, stopped beating. Doctors fought for her life, but fate decided otherwise...

Kateryna was born on December 11, 2003 in Donetsk region. In 2021, she entered the 1st year of the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Languages. She chose for herself the educational program "Language and literature (English and a second Western European language)". I wanted to teach children foreign languages. And Katya was a very creative person: she could play the guitar well and draw. And liking the drawing was very important for her. Everything worked for her and she brought everything to completion, she did not give up halfway. In addition, she loved her family and friends, the people around her, and did not allow them to be offended, she had a keen sense of justice and responsibility. She was kind and sensitive, bright and charming...

The staff and student community of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages sincerely sympathize with Kateryna's relatives and friends. Her memory will remain in our hearts. Bright memory...

Vladislav Wanda