Happy Teacher's Day!

Happy Teacher's Day!

Dear colleagues! The administration, the trade union committee and the student community sincerely congratulate you on Teacher's Day!

Teaching is the destiny of selected, talented people, those with original thinking and the ability to act in an extraordinary way. Such people confirm by their example: when interacting with students, a real teacher forms a special space, a unique creative universe, where, like a flower, those highest qualities naturally and freely unfold, to which people remain faithful throughout their future lives. These are spiritual indomitability, benevolence, clarity and breadth of thinking, deep awareness of one's own responsibility for decisions and actions, as well as understanding of personal duty, which is entrusted to life itself.

Accept our deep gratitude, People-Guides, leading hundreds of like-minded students to a great life! May sincere, devoted relationships with mentors be preserved in the hearts of youth forever! Let all students, in turn, influence the creative and moral formation of people in all countries of the world! And let no foreign language remain incomprehensible to them!

We think it's time to remember the old parable about the boy who found his Teacher. He was asked: "Can the Sun become dark for you if you see it without the Master?" The boy smiled: "Of course, the Sun will remain the Sun, but in the presence of the Master, twelve Suns will shine for me!".

Once again - happy professional holiday, dear colleagues! Shine "twelve Suns" for the younger generations, form the best creators of the third millennium! The key to our common future is in your hands!

Vladislav Wanda