"Warm Wednesday" meeting: we study our lifestyle

"Warm Wednesday" meeting: we study our lifestyle

Creativity, unexpectedness, soulful communication always accompany the "Warm Wednesday" meetings, which traditionally take place at GIIIM during the academic year. Students of various courses of psychological specialties gather together to research, study, and realize the psychological laws of being.

The distance training format does not interfere with productive work: exchange of opinions, sincerity of expressions, exciting mutual support. 

The leader of the class, which took place on October 25, 2023, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Language Communication, T.V. Borozentseva invited the participants to explore and analyze the process of drawing... one's own hands as one of the ways to dialogue with oneself through the metaphorical nature of the drawing. 

As always, there was something to be surprised and inspired at the meetings. From feedback after the training:

  • …What are our hands for us? Searching for answers and why? It was interesting and there was a moment of self-discovery. Thank you!
  • I came up with the name of the drawing: "In the world of the unusual". Thank you for the meeting! Thank you for the experience and energy you brought me! You are all the best!
  • Thank you all for such a warm meeting! It was very nice to hear your thoughts and just sit in a pleasant atmosphere.  

Join every Wednesday at 18.00! Watch for the appearance of the invitation call.

Center for Psychological Support at the Department of Psychology of the FSMC of the GIIIM.

Vladislav Wanda