On February 2, 2024, professional translation specialists Mykhailo Yepanov and Bohdan Shapoval, representatives of MDDK LLC, Kyiv, held an informative meeting with the students of the specialty 035 Philology. The Department of English Philology and Translation of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the DVNZ DDPU meaningfully supports partnership relations that contribute to the effective provision of various stages of educational, professional and production translation practice. Applicants who undergo educational and professional training for future work as translators have a mandatory opportunity to find employment during the internship on their own; assistance with specialized practice in small groups is also provided. Therefore, this time also at the founding meeting (which was also attended by professionally focused and philologically experienced master's students), competent translators provided guidance on practical advice, the specifics of the work of a full-time translator, the specifics of the use of specialized technologies, blocks of tasks and the order of their execution and verification, as well as the provided training with use of the software. The questions and answers were professionally relevant in order to contribute to the understanding of the peculiarities of specialization and the formation of philologists-translators. We would like to thank Mr. Mykhailo and Mr. Bohdan for their useful advice, long-term cooperation, always highly competent and high-quality practice, and sincere support for our beginner translators. We wish the students of education to demonstrate their abilities in practice, gain valuable experience and master the latest translation technologies, better understand the specifics of the future profession, successfully complete all tasks and achieve the set goals.