Start of the all-Ukrainian competition for schoolchildren and students of Ukraine on the topic: My country is my responsibility

Start of the all-Ukrainian competition for schoolchildren and students of Ukraine on the topic: My country is my responsibility

Dear friends!
It is with great joy that we announce the start of the all-Ukrainian competition for schoolchildren and students of Ukraine on the topic: My country is my responsibility

The purpose of the competition: to help in the formation of the national
consciousness among young people of Ukraine.

The grant participant has the opportunity to receive a scholarship in the amount of 20,000 hryvnias!

To do this, it is necessary to write a work for the competition according to the conditions and topics indicated on the grant page:

Pay attention to all the conditions so that your work is accepted by the panel of judges and has a chance to become the best among others. We recommend using your own life experience and writing personal sincere thoughts.
Thank you for your participation! Glory to Ukraine!

Vladislav Wanda