Every year, on April 28, the World Occupational Health and Safety Day is celebrated

Every year, on April 28, the World Occupational Health and Safety Day is celebrated

Every year, on April 28, the World Occupational Health and Safety Day is celebrated. The International Labor Organization dedicates this day to a topical topic. 

In 2024, it is "Ensuring safe and healthy work already now in the conditions of climate change."

Climate change, air pollution, industrial accidents, man-made disasters, extreme weather events, storms, droughts or floods, deterioration of the ecosystem due to military actions or exposure to chemicals affect the field of work, especially the safety and health of people, can lead to accidents in production.

For example, the hostilities conducted by the invader on the territory of Ukraine have already caused irreversible changes in the ecosystem of Ukraine, to the contamination of the territories and air with harmful substances. 

Frankly barbaric actions to blow up dams, mine territories, destroy green areas, destroy cities, create harmful and dangerous conditions in which people have to live, and in fact survive and work, as a result of which the number of diseases, injuries and deaths increases.

Global climate changes sometimes also worsen working conditions, for example, global warming increases the likelihood of heat stress among workers in warm countries and the lack of opportunities to provide them with the necessary hygienic conditions at the workplace.

The organization of safe and harmless working conditions, the implementation of safety rules is the primary task of both managers and employees. 

Considering the modern realities and conditions of martial law, it is important to know and remember the rules of labor relations, the risks and consequences of undeclared work and labor exploitation.

We remember this!

Vladislav Wanda