Archaeological expedition - 2024 started...

Archaeological expedition - 2024 started...

An archaeological expedition led by a well-known archaeologist in Ukraine, doctor of historical sciences, professor Yurii Mykhailovych Brovender, began work in the historical and cultural reserve "Medzhibyzh" (Khmelnytskyi region), which functions on the basis of a monument of fortification architecture of the 16th century.

The participants of the expedition were the students of the specialty 032 History and Archeology of the Eastern Ukrainian University named after Volodymyr Dahl and the specialty 014 Secondary Education (History) of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages. The joint expedition is a component of the Memorandum on cooperation in educational and scientific activities signed in 2021 between our internally displaced institutions. The agreements reached did not remain on paper and were implemented in the same year in joint scientific research of the ancient mound of the Bronze Age near the village. Khomivka, Svativ district, Luhansk region. These studies were conducted within the framework of educational archeological practice of students of two educational institutions. In December of the same year, a presentation of the materials obtained during excavations in the Svativ region was held by joint efforts on the basis of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages in Bakhmut. The same joint presentation was planned to be held in the spring of 2022 at SNU named after V. Far to Severodonetsk, but the war destroyed our plans. She destroyed some plans, but did not stop the cooperation of two related departments of displaced Eastern Ukrainian higher education institutions. An example of this is the current joint expedition of the Eastern Ukrainian National University named after Volodymyr Dal and the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages in Medzhibozh, Khmelnytskyi. We will inform readers about its progress.

We thank the head of the expedition Yu. M. Brovender and the participant of the expedition V. Khmelyk - a higher education student of group 102a - for the provided photo materials.

Vladislav Wanda