Resources for preparing for external examinations

Resources for preparing for external examinations

Dear! You can familiarize yourself with the content presented below on the pages of the E-BOOK distributed by calling:

History of Ukraine. A full course of preparation for the external examination


History of the church in Ukraine

Web resources for preparation for external examinations

ONLINE trial ZNO from the educational company "YavKursi".

For students of grades 10-11 –

Online preparation for external examinations: (free);

History of Ukraine in schools - Ancient History ( – free of charge, author's presentations and videos;

Sites that inspire the study of history:

we are preparing to learn the history of the python in Ukrainian: 

– the most complete selection of videos for studying the history of Ukraine:;

– "Ukrainian Historian":;

Video preparation for external examinations (topic "Development of market relations in the Ukrainian SSR"). URL:

The author is Oksana Dubrovska 

Video courses

Training tests

ZNO test database         URL:

Thematic training tests for preparation for the external examination on the history of Ukraine
Online simulator. Currently, the database consists of 2292 test questions

Online Tribune (tests for self-training)

Preparation for the external examination on the history of Ukraine (trainer) 

History of Ukraine: visual objects



ZNO History of Ukraine. Personalities (2020). 


Atlases of the history of Ukraine


A list of online resources developed for preparation for the external examination in history


You can take courses on the resource: 

1) "Modern history of Ukraine: from the beginning of the Second World War to the present";…/KNU/101/2014_T2/about

2) "History of Ukraine. A full course of preparation for the ZNO.…/course-v1:ZNO…/about


You can take courses on the resource: 

1) "Fear and hatred in 1917-1921",…/strax-ta-nenavist-u-1917-1921…/

2) "1917 is the year that changed everything",

3) "100 years of Ukrainian history in 100 minutes",

4) "History of Western Ukraine".


Courses are available on the resource: 

1) "The birth of the Ukrainian nation",

2) "History of Ukraine in stories" 

(a full course on the history of Ukraine for preparation for the external examination).

The resource contains tests taken by applicants during the 2009-2019 external independent assessment, and those offered to applicants to higher educational institutions of Ukraine during the 2009-2019 trial external independent assessment.


On the resource, you can prepare for the final examination in the main subjects with tutors. The platform also has tests and video lectures


Ukrainian Center for Evaluation of the Quality of Education. Preparation for the ZNO-2022: the history of Ukraine.…

History of Ukraine in 10 minutes. ZNO Kapranov brothers…

Ukrainian history. Contains a series of videos. Unknown Ukraine. The face of Ukrainian history. History of Ukrainian lands. 20 steps to the dream. History of Ukraine.…/UCukOWeCQ4YA1ZGA1i9…/playlists…/UCukOWeCQ4YA1ZGA1i9RPROw/videos

Video lessons for preparation for the external examination on the history of Ukraine from ZNOUA teachers. A detailed analysis of all difficult topics from the history of Ukraine, answers to external examination tests, tips and life hacks.…

Life hacks of the ZNO from history. Give.

Personnel. ZNO on the history of Ukraine. Life hacks.

💙We advise test participants on the history of Ukraine to also familiarize themselves with the following materials:

Portraits of historical figures, mandatory for the external examination on history

Visualized list of monuments of architecture and fine art

Program of external independent assessment on the history of Ukraine in 2022

General characteristics of the test on the history of Ukraine in 2022

Tasks and answers to the tests of the external examination on the history of Ukraine in the past years

ZNO online tests on the history of Ukraine

ZNO tests online in other subjects

Courses of preparation for external examinations

We are preparing for the successful passing of the external examination in Ukrainian language and literature - brings to your attention a collection of materials on how best to act on external independent testing when writing your own statement. The materials presented in this manual will help you pass a kind of accelerated course of preparation for writing your own statement at the external examination on Ukrainian language and literature. – thematic training tests for preparation for the external examination in Ukrainian language and literature. - the site contains the necessary information exclusively from the Ukrainian language and literature. There is also a database of past year's exam tasks. In addition, theoretical information for preparation is published on the platform: biographies of writers, analyzes of works, examples of successful writing of one's own statement. – this site contains tests that students took in 2009-2015. After passing the test, you will know not only your mistakes, but also the number of points received and how much time it took to complete the task. – Be Smart – a project from the educational platform EDUGET contains more than 2,000 video lessons and more than 11,000 texts. - designed to help all willing entrants deepen and consolidate the acquired knowledge from the school course of Ukrainian language and literature. This course is not designed to study the Ukrainian language and literature as such, but to help you in preparing for the external examination. It contains information, topics and materials necessary for preparation. - the ZNO-club portal, which contains theoretical and practical materials on all subjects. Here you can find news about external examinations, online tests, information about Ukrainian universities and photos, where 20,000 users are registered. You can also:

- Become a ZNO journalist - write an article, advice or ZNOvina.
-Become a forum moderator.
- Keep a blog about ZNO and life after ZNO.
- Communicate on the forum.
- Like – Online vocabulary test. A fairly simple simulator that was recently very popular among Ukrainian Facebook users. It can hardly be regarded as a serious source of training, but it is always interesting to roughly estimate the richness of your vocabulary. - Comprehensive simulator for the Ukrainian language. Combines a compact presentation of theoretical material with a large volume of practical tasks. You will be able to test your knowledge of phonetics, vocabulary, spelling and language culture. A wonderful additional means of testing and assimilating knowledge in preparation for the Ukrainian language external examination.  A convenient and beautiful resource with a large database of exercises, the main emphasis of which is to help deal with "difficult cases". You could often see the most common mistakes with explanations on social media pages. We also advise you to follow the blog updates on this site, where many spellings are explained in a compact illustrated format. – An interactive application on Ukrainian literature that will help you better learn the correspondences between writers and their pseudonyms. We recommend that you pass it after creating a board and to consolidate your knowledge when you repeat the entire external examination program. - Another application that you will need when preparing for the external examination on Ukrainian literature. Match the quote with the literary character - this is one of the most popular tests on the external examination. The only drawback of this simulator on Ukrainian literature is that not all works and characters relate to the current program. But never improve your knowledge of Ukrainian literature, ( – Immediately two links to an additional method of preparing for the external examination in Ukrainian literature. You need to match the quote with the literary heroine or literary hero. The drawback is the same as in the previous link. - A great app for expanding your knowledge of the genre-genre specificity of works of Ukrainian literature. Suitable not only for preparing for external independent assessment, but also for school learning.

When preparing for the test, you need to train all aspects of the language in order to pass it successfully:

Listening skills - you can practice your listening skills with the help of the resources listed in our previous article.
The more you listen, the better you understand, and this is a direct dependence that should not be proven. Important: perceive whole sentences and their context, not individual words that you are translating. Try several sites for training listening skills.

2) Vocabulary is the key to all tasks, so the more words you know, the greater the chances of choosing the right answer, understanding the read text and writing an essay. 
You will find the lexical minimum for the ZNO 2021 here. The lexical minimum was approved in 2017 and has not changed since then.
But don't focus only on learning these words, read more articles, short stories, news in English, because a large part of the tasks are small texts, for the completion of which it is necessary to understand the essence of the text. Sometimes words have several meanings that depend on the text itself and the topic of the task. Therefore, do not limit yourself to one meaning of the word, it will be optimal to turn to online dictionaries that give all possible variants of the meanings of words, such as this.

Writing part - an important part of the test is the written part, a small situation to which you need to write a detailed answer with examples from your own life.
Here are some useful links: 
– examples of situations;
– formal/informal letter writing template;
– opinion essay writing template

Choose a topic, take a notebook, a pen and practice! 
It is necessary to write and write again. With or without errors - it happens differently. But agree: it is difficult to learn by yourself only by reading what others have written. That's why you have to take it evaluation criteria these tasks, first familiarize yourself with them very well, and then - task topics and templates. After all, practice writing your own. As a guide, here sample, and also the instruction - as possible check it yourself their work.

50 links for preparing for external examinations

Where can I read news about the external examination? Information about universities? Where to prepare or test yourself? We have selected 50 useful links for you, sorted by topic. Take it for yourself and use it!

Where can I read news about the external examination? Information about universities? Where to prepare or test yourself? We have selected 50 useful links for you, sorted by topic. Take it for yourself and use it!

1. — the official website of the Ukrainian Center for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education

2. — a section of the site with regional centers of the UTSOYAO, where you can find the contacts of the nearest center.

3. — the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

4. — all universities and specialties. For now, it is worth using the resource to take a closer look at interesting specialties and determine which passing score you should work for. Plus, look at the statistics for past years

5. — search for applicants by last name, points, specialties.

6. — the site is dedicated to news about education.

7.— section Osvita.YUA, devoted to news about external examinations

8.— a large information portal.

9.— a large catalog of universities, colleges, courses and tutors.

10.—courses, news, events for applicants and their parents, free files and tests.

11.— a large information site about universities, vocational schools, courses.

12.— an information portal about external examinations, the admissions campaign, universities and schools.

13.— a state website about career guidance with news and vacancies.

14.— catalog of professions.

15.— articles about various professions, internships, job search.

16.— a section of the information portal dedicated to career guidance, description of professions, and news.

17.…— a large number of psychological and vocational tests.

18.— several career guidance tests based on scientific methods.

19.— section Osvita.YUA, dedicated to higher education institutions, admission and ratings.

20.— catalog of universities.

21.— catalog of higher education institutions by fields.

22.— a large portal about universities, the Bologna process and ratings.

23.— catalog of higher education institutions, selection of higher education institutions, applicant's calendar.

24. a site with online tests of past years of external examinations.

25. Yandex ZNO, online tests of past years.

26.— trial and real ZNO, sorted by years.

27.— online tests on various subjects.

28. a site with information on various subjects. The site has training materials, textbooks and tests.

29. the author's blog about the external examination of the Ukrainian language and literature. The site contains articles-lessons on various topics, tips for effective preparation, and useful materials. The author of the blog also conducts online trainings and webinars for external examinations.

30. http://uuCourseKit - preparation for Ukrainian language and literature. Distance course.

31. - another site devoted to the subject of the external examination on the Ukrainian language and literature.

32.— Electronic version of the book "Ukrainian Spelling"

33.— a large online dictionary. It was developed by professors of Ukrainian universities and, to date, is the largest existing dictionary of the Ukrainian language. Contains word forms, meanings, declensions, synonyms and idioms.

34.— academic explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language.

35.— many useful articles on literature and language, analyzes of works, lesson notes, articles. There is a library

36.— a site for studying mathematics, divided by topic.

37.— a large number of tasks and useful tables.

38.— solving mathematical problems. The site is in Russian

39.— an audiobook on the history of Ukraine. Broken into parts

40.— a beautiful online encyclopedia on the history of Ukraine.

41.— a lot of history materials, notes, tests.

42.— free online courses. There are professional and psychological directions, there are courses of external examination.

43.— online VET courses with teachers, assignments, video lectures and an online platform.

44.— a large database of free online courses in various fields of knowledge: psychology, history, IT, management, etc. All courses are in English

45.— online school on the history of Ukraine.

46.— a YouTube channel with many different video lessons. In a fun way, the teacher explains the basic rules and questions that arise when learning English.

47.— Maidan Open University. A large number of courses and various events.

48.— a large interactive platform for learning languages. It will be especially useful for those who take the final exam not in English, but in French, German or another foreign language.

49.— a large Russian platform for studying courses in various fields of knowledge

50.— English courses from the BBC

Vladislav Wanda