International language flashmob "XVIII All-Ukrainian Radio Dictation of National Unity"

International language flashmob "XVIII All-Ukrainian Radio Dictation of National Unity"

The Department of Ukrainian Philology expresses its sincere gratitude to 1st and 3rd year students Maksym Shevchenko, Alina Zeynalova, Dmytro Ratynsky, Valery Hladysh, Hanna Berezhna, Anastasia Eremenko, Svitlana Skugorina, Taisia Fedorova, Anastasia Pomaden, Pomazani and Olena Pomazanova and Ukrainian languages.

On the morning of November 9, the institute was filled with a solemn atmosphere: everyone greeted each other with a holiday, on each floor you could hear: "Are we writing a dictation? I always write it, and I will definitely write today "; every break in the lobby on the TV screen was a demonstration of thematic videos.

At 10.30 teachers, staff and students of the university gathered in the assembly hall for the grand opening of the holiday. This year our young colleagues prepared a bright action called "Feel the taste of the Ukrainian language".

The hosts of the program told the audience about the role of Nestor the Chronicler in the formation of Ukrainian writing, the beauty and sophistication of the Ukrainian word. Excerpts from Lina Kostenko's novel Marusya Churai, recited by Maksym Shevchenko and Alina Zeynalova, were moving. Viktor Yevtushenko's humorous "Student Logic" performed by Dmytro Ratynsky also left no one indifferent. Everyone, without exception, was impressed by the skill of Valery Gladysh's reproduction of the special ideological and emotional load of Kuzma Scriabin's song "To Myself Country".

At the end of the event, the winners and participants of the first stage of the IX Taras Shevchenko International Language and Literature Competition for Pupils and Students were awarded, and a linguistic quiz "Word for word - language will be formed" was held.

Student performances, videos, slides, linguistic and literary riddles and puzzles gave the audience not only a charge of positive emotions, but also had cognitive and methodological significance. Similar materials can be used in school practice during extracurricular activities.

The last bright chord of the holiday was the joint participation of the administration, teachers and students of GIIM (more than 200 people in total) in the international language flashmob «XVIII All-Ukrainian Radio Dictation of National Unity "under the slogan: #pishemoraz.

With a sinking heart we listened to the text "Wings of Ukraine" specially prepared for this day, which was traditionally dictated by its author - Associate Professor of Kyiv University named after Borys Hrinchenko, TV and radio presenter Oleksandr Avramenko. Both in the assembly hall and in the auditorium № 201, where dictation was also written, there was an atmosphere of spiritual unity with the whole state. So let this feeling of solidarity continue to accompany us in life, inspire us to accomplishment and victory, and inspire faith in a better future. We are different, but we all want to live in peace and harmony. This is our strength!

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Sergey Gladkikh