Scientific journey

Scientific journey

The stay of the representatives of our institute in Poland and Slovakia turned out to be very fruitful.

In Katowice (Poland) on the basis of the Higher Technical School was held a scientific seminar "Integration of science and practice in the education system of the EU", which was attended by 26 teachers and students from more than 20 educational institutions in Ukraine, Poland and Slovakia. Our institute was represented by teachers of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy Razumova Olena Gennadiivna, Monnapova Kateryna Robertivna and students of psychology Simak Victoria, Yanko Natalia, Shilatyrkina Lydia and Bezbah Marina.

All participants of the seminar received certificates from the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Design of the Alexander Ostend Higher Technical School.

The speeches of our participants at the International Conference "Economic and Socially Oriented Issues of the Modern World" held on October 24 at the Higher School of Economics and Management of Public Administration in Bratislava (Slovakia) were very interesting and informative. The following sections worked within the conference: "Modern problems of economic development of the country, region, city, enterprise" ;. "Regional and local problems of social development of society"; "Humanitarian issues of modern society".

   The results of the research will be published in a peer-reviewed collection of conference materials (electronic version on the website of the Higher School of Economics and Management of Public Administration in Bratislava.). The collection of conference materials will be awarded to the ISBN of the Slovak publishing house. 

All conference participants had the opportunity not only to present the results of their research and experience, but also to participate in workshops and various discussions.

The participants of the conference express their gratitude to the organizers of such events, which open new opportunities for our students and teachers on Ukraine's European integration into the EU!

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Sergey Gladkikh