Quest on linguistics

Quest on linguistics


On April 17, 2019, students studying German played the Easter quest "Ostern in Österreich". According to the terms of the game, they had to collect a basket by Easter with things typical for Austria (a cake, a bunny, a daffodil, etc.). To do this, they had to receive an envelope with tasks, find the desired station, guess the keyword and receive the next envelope with tasks, and so on 7 times.

Among the suggested tasks were typical among German learners, this task - Buchstabensalat, Wortschlange, Bilderrätsel, Codewort, Anagramm, Silbenzusammenfassung. In order to solve these tasks, one should not only have a good command of the German language, but also show intelligence, that is, the winner had to quickly notice what was coded and how it is called in German.

The winner of the quest was a collective team of students of the 2nd - 3rd years of the FRGM, who study German as a second foreign language, led by Sered G. (311c). The second place was won by the collective team of students of the 1st-3rd years of the Federal State University of Applied Sciences studying German, led by M. Podchenko (331).

At the end of the quest, its tired but satisfied participants refreshed themselves with cookies and sweet drinks, joked about their attempts to guess the coded words.

I.P. Biryukova,

teacher of the department of Germanic philology

State Educational Institution "DDPU"

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Sergey Gladkikh