The week of the English language, held by the department of English philology and translation from April 23 to 26, 2019, began with the traditional creative and intellectual event-quest "LET'S HAVE FUN TOGETHER WITH SHAKESPEARE" on the occasion of the celebration of the 455th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding playwright. poet, actor and one of the prominent symbols of Great Britain William Shakespeare (23.04.1564 - 23.04.1616).

Active and thoughtful participants of the quest were students of the first year of the Faculty of Social and Language Communication, who were offered interesting tasks with watching videos, solving puzzles-presentations about facts from the biography and creativity of William Shakespeare and his influence on the development and enrichment of the English language.

It was possible to feel the festive atmosphere of the event thanks to the charming presenters (O. Bezsonov, 109 a gr. and Yu. Korneeva, 104 a gr.), the decorative decoration of the holiday (poster-stands) and the exhibition of essays by students of the II and III years (209 g, 306 b , 205 a, 206 a gr.).

At the end of the event, all participating teams, in high spirits and awarded with certificates, noted that "now they are "allegedly" personally acquainted with Shakespeare."

We hope to see you in Shakespearean times next year!

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Sergey Gladkikh