Life becomes history. Every moment, every minute, every year remains a memory within us. The rapid passage of time does not allow us to reconsider our memories. But today we must be honest and forthright. What is left in our memory that our descendants will remember?

Today is May 9, 2020. Victory Day is the 75th anniversary.

This is a big holiday for us. In our country, every family has its heroes - defenders of the Motherland, who won the victory at the cost of their lives. At other times, this day would be adorned with red tulips and lilacs, people would go to the Eternal Flame, congratulate the gray veterans, gather with families and sing songs of the war years. The present does not give us the opportunity to be together on the day of the great Victory. But this does not mean that we cannot remember our heroic grandfathers and great-grandfathers who defended our land from the Nazi invasion or forged Victory in the rear. We are proud of the Heroes! And we remember at what price the happiness won.


NatalandI am Kowalska, teacher

My family has a memory of my grandfather - Sablin Ivan Naumovich. He defended the homeland from the first days of the war. His wife was brought to the funeral three times. But new letters confirmed that he was alive and would be at the forefront again after the hospital. And that he will not perish until he sees that the Reichstag has fallen. He is considered missing. The last letter was from Stalingrad.

His eldest son - Sablin Grigory Ivanovich - and after the war was in the army, returned home in 1947. He rebuilt his native village, raised his younger brother and sister, because they were left without a mother.

My children and grandchildren will remember their relatives who defended the Motherland and their future.





Dokashenko Halyna Petrovna

I am a child of the second postwar decade, but the war has affected me as well. I grew up not knowing any of my grandparents. They both remained on the battlefield: Tishyn Vasyl Hnatovych died on the Kursk Arc in the summer of 1943, and Bezruk Fedor Vasyliovych died during Operation Bagration on Belarusian soil in 1944.

I was lucky enough to talk to my husband's living parents, who were participants in the hostilities - Mykola Mykolayovych Dokashenko ended the war as a sailor in the Pacific Fleet, and Valentina Pavlovna Sarkits served in the Political Department of the 4th Ukrainian Front and ended the war in Prague.

Every year the number of veterans of that war becomes smaller and smaller. The kingdom of heaven is for all who are not with us.

Our grandchildren know the history of their family, which means that the connection between the generations is not lost.


Belitska Eugene Nikolaevna

I bow my head in gratitude to the defenders of the Motherland who won the Great Patriotic War! The memory of your feat will forever remain in our hearts!



Mykola Dmytrovych Beletsky. The Kuban Cossack, the only member of the family (who was taken to Siberia) was able to escape from the cart, sat for several days in the swamps, became deaf in one ear. He hid this information at the military registration and enlistment office. And so he passed - almost deaf - the whole war. Knight of the Order of the Patriotic War. Silent, fair, with great inner strength and dignity.





Butsenko Karpo Kharlampiyovych. He escaped from his cruel parents from Bessarabia and ended up in Dzerzhinsky's colony, the same one where "Mustafa paved the road - Mustafa walked on it." He was severely wounded in the Finnish war. He worked all his life as a driver in the suburbs of Moscow. Freedom-loving, kind, with a sincere, open soul.

This is my roots and IM Zapasnaya. We are proud!



Semenova Elena Valentinovna
Our family remembers and is proud of the feat of Galitsyn's grandfather Vasily Danilovich, a native of Krasnodar.



Kontsur Nikolai Mikhailovich



My great-grandfather Kontsur Ivan Naumovich fought in April 1944. He was a radio operator in the 330th Fighter-Antitank Regiment of the First Ukrainian Front. He provided communication and fixed telephone cable breaks during combat. Repeatedly awarded for courage and perseverance, he fought in Poland, where he was ambushed during a cable test and managed to emerge victorious, destroying 4 and capturing 2 opponents. For this feat he was awarded the Order of Glory III degree. When he returned home to the Zaporozhye region, he was 21 years old.



Victoria Kuzmina

Hello! Thank you very much for the initiative.

This is my grandfather Kuzmin Mikhail Ivanovich. He went through the whole war, was wounded twice, came back alive !!! He met my grandmother, raised a son, and after the war guarded our peaceful sky above our heads. I write and tears well up, this morning I remembered him on the eve of the holiday. As a child on May 9, I always went to the parade with balloons and huge bows, and my grandmother at this time was preparing a holiday table))) I do not remember a single time in my life that my grandfather raised his voice against me, although he was a strict man and a great boss . His memory is bright.

Bright memory to all HEROES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gritsuk Oksana Viktorivna

Glushkov Nikita Mikhailovich, April 10, 2012, at the front since 1941. He was taken prisoner in 1943. From 1943 to 1945 he fought in the First Ukrainian Front.

We remember.



            July 30, 1944 - immediately after the liberation of the village of Andriyivka (Donetsk region, not far from Savur grave).

            Second on the right (bottom row) - Markova Kateryna Yukhimivna - grandmother OV Muratova.

            The first on the left (top row) - Berezovsky Vasily Andreevich - grandfather OV Muratova.

            He went to the front at the age of eighteen (1943). He was wounded twice. Reached Berlin.

Marakhovska Valentina Gavrilovna

 Marakhovsky Ivan Leontiyovych - Born in 1909, he has not been mobilized since the beginning of hostilities due to work on facilities in the rear that provided for the needs of the front (Volnovakha, Donetsk region). He was called to the front in 1943, and soon his wife Maria, who was raising two young children at the time, received a funeral: her Ivan, a Red Army soldier, died bravely on January 19, 1944 in the area of Velyka Bilozerka, Zaporizhia region. in less than 44 years. His grandchildren were no longer destined to know their grandfather…

We honor the memory of the millions who died defending our future…


Efimov Dmitry Vladimirovich

Posokhov Roman Fedorovich, Born in 1915.

The only relative is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, with whom I was lucky enough to see in my conscious childhood. 

My great-grandfather went through the whole war from beginning to end, fought on the Belarusian front, was wounded in battle. Received military awards:

Medal of Merit

Medal "For Courage"

Order of Glory III degree

Order of the Patriotic War II degree.

Our Heroes will always be alive - as long as we remember them in our hearts!


Alekseeva Elena Mikhailovna

My family remembers and is proud of Bezdetko's father and grandfather Alexei Ivanovich. During the war he served as a scout. He was awarded the Order of Glory, the Order of the Red Star, the Medal for the Capture of Berlin.
We are proud, we remember at what price the Great Victory was won!


Kontsur Victoria Vladimirovna

From childhood I knew that I had a heroic great-grandfather - Kovalev Ivan Pavlovich. Before the war, his family lived in the Stalin region. (USSR), and with the beginning of the occupation was evacuated to Alma-Ata, from where he was drafted into the Red Army. Died in the battles for Stalingrad (Volgograd) in August 1942.

When I was 8 years old, my mother and I went to Volgograd to visit the Hall of Military Glory on Mamayev Mound. Among the long list of dead on the battlefield, we found the name of my great-grandfather. I realized that we found him when my mother stopped and cried.


Pozhidaeva Nadezhda Petrovna

















Kosheleva Natalia Gennadievna

Our family has a memory of our grandfather, a mining engineer Alexey Lvovich Volkov.

During the war, he worked for the victory of our country as director of the mine in the Middle Urals. Manganese iron ore, which was mined at the mine, was sent to the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant to produce tank armor of Soviet T-34 tanks.

Our family is proud of the fact that our grandfather also contributed to the great victory of our Motherland over fascism. 

Nestoruk Natalia Anatolyevna



Nestoruk Nikolai Grigoryevich, died on the 2nd day of the war - in June 1941;

Ivan Nikiforovich Dolgopolsky, died in 1941, in the funeral - district D, Lubny village.

I remember, I'm proud!




Kovtun Oksana Viktorovna



My grandfather, Kovtun Nikolai Andreevich, came to Japan.

A bow to you for what Life has given me - the price of your life. We, your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are immensely grateful to you and all the veterans for the world in which we live! ETERNAL MEMORY TO YOU.




Krut Elena Vladimirovna

My grandfather, Zemlyanoy Trifon Iosifovich, a native of the Kharkiv region, went to war in 1941. He fought, fought for our Motherland, went missing in 1943… And, suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, he returned home in 1947. It turned out that he was a prisoner of the Germans. 

After the war he worked as a senior freight forwarder at the Kramatorsk Machine-Building Plant, planned to move the family to Kramatorsk… .. But in 1948 he died of fatal wounds ..



Tkachenko Lyudmila Vladimirovna

My family is proud of my grandfather Isachenko Savely Yakovlevich. He went through the whole war, was wounded, returned home with a disfigured hand. He had 6 children. Nikita's two eldest sons and Anton also went to the front, but did not return. My grandfather's youngest child, my mother, was 2 years old when the war began. By that time she no longer had a mother, and her grandfather had a wife, who died of war before the war. After returning from the front, my grandfather worked on his native collective farm in the Odessa region. He lived 86 years.


Rusakevich Tamara Feliksovna

Our family has a bright memory of my father's older brother Konstantin Kazimirovich Rusakevich, born in 1922, who died on February 8, 1945 and was buried in Malcz (now Poland). He was awarded the Order of Courage and the Order of the Patriotic War of the second degree. He was only 22 years old.

Trotsenko Inna Vladimirovna

A veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a warrior of our family is my grandfather, Sakharov Dmitry Ivanovich, 1907 He fought since the autumn of 1942 as a private. He took part in the terrible Battle of Stalingrad, was severely wounded in 1944 and spent 8 months in hospital. He was awarded the Medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad".

According to his mother, he said almost nothing about the war. He said of the Battle of Stalingrad: "They shot and bombed in such a way that neither the earth nor the sky could be seen."

Mitya's grandfather is always remembered as calm, cheerful, and wise. He was prudent until the end of his days (he died at the age of 89).

Novokhatnyaya Olga Olegovna

In the first photo, my great-grandmother and great-grandfather are Dudka Grigory Semenovich (born in 1916) and Dudka Olga Ivanovna (born in 1912). The great-grandfather went through the whole war from beginning to end in the rank of sergeant. Reached Berlin, was wounded near Stalingrad. During the war he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and medals for bravery.

In photo 2 - Great-grandfather at the age of 60… lived to 74 years.

I'm proud!

Arkhipova Irina Mikhailovna




Makarenko Fedor Terentyevich. The driver of the T-34 tank. He went through the whole war. He reached Berlin, where he met Victory Day. We remember and are proud!



Titova Olga Borisovna

To our heroic grandfathers:

Vasilchenko Nikita Stepanovich;

Vasilchenko Stepan Stepanovich;

Titov Eugene Alekseevich;

Kresal Mykola Stepanovych

Sologor Andriy Matviyovych;

Nadtochaev Vladimir Grigorovich;

Gabets Leonid Nikolaevich;

as well as brave, strong and gentle grandmothers:

Kresalo Olena Stepanovna;

Kresalo Lydia Stepanovna;

Vasilchenko Irina Stepanovna;

Gabets Cecilia Isaakivna;

Merry Maria Sviridovna - low bow and boundless gratitude !!!

Queen Elena Yuryevna

My grandfather Tikhonenko George Arkhipovich, a major of the tank troops, in the army since 1938, went through the whole war. Fortunately, he was never injured, only received a concussion. He was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky and the Red Banner, medals for participation in the Battle of Kursk, for the capture of Budapest and others. We, his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are proud of our wonderful grandfather and will always remember him. Thank you for winning!

I found this information on the Internet. Here you can find information about war veterans awarded orders and medals, their feat is described.


Tikhonenko Georgy Arkhipovich, born in 1911

Order of Alexander Nevsky

Rank: Major

in the Red Army since 1938 Place of conscription: Zverevsky RVC, Rostov region, Zverevsky district
Place of service: 36 tp 50 ABryanF

Feat date: 07.09.1943,13.09.1943-15.09.1943

Order of the Red Banner

Date of feat: 15.07.1943

Borozentseva Tatiana Valeryevna

I am happy - I could hug both of my lovely grandfathers. Joseph Averyanovich Protsenko (1914 - 1986) served in the Navy. In 1942 he was taken prisoner, liberated Ukraine, and then rebuilt collective farms in the Novo-Astrakhan district of the Luhansk region. 

Alexei Vasilyevich Skarga (1916 - 1978), staff officer, participant in the Battle of Stalingrad. He was a battery commander. During the battle, he placed his command post in a battered German tank. The front line was moving, and it so happened that the wounded commander Skarga spent several days surrounded by German troops until the next offensive of ours. He fought before the Victory, retired in the early 50's. 

By right of the first granddaughter I keep in my soul their native kind smiles, caring voices and tender warmth of wide palms.

Gordienko Yuliya Fedorivna

Our family honors the memory of their father and grandfather.

Matlak Ivan Makarovych (January 27, 1955 - February 6, 1992) fought in the Finnish and Great Patriotic War. He was awarded orders and medals. After the war he returned to his native village of Novokaterynivka, Starobeshiv district, Donetsk region, where he worked as a teacher of geography, biology, German, physical education and headmaster.

Bright memory!



Vryukalo Victoria Nikolaevna

Paziy Kuzma Emelyanovich (1912-1943) died under the Kursk Arc.

Pavel Anisimovich Peresichansky (1894-1942) died in the Kharkiv region.

Vryukalo Vasily Grigoryevich (1910-1970) went through the whole war, was awarded orders and medals.

Kozlova Valentina Mikhailovna

This is our grandfather - Grigory Mikhailovich Kozlov (born on August 6, 1924). He fought in the Kursk-Orel arc. He was awarded many orders and medals. He ended the war as a sergeant. After the war he worked as a blacksmith at the Opytnaya station. He married and raised 4 children. Honorary citizen of Bakhmut. He died in 1995. Our family is proud of the hero!

Yasynetska Olena Anatoliivna

Unfortunately, my grandfathers died when I was less than 2 years old. They were kind, sensitive, wise and caring. Both went through the war from 1941 to 1945.

Yasynetsky Alexander Yakovlevich went to fight as an infantryman, then was a machine gunner. He was awarded the medals "For the Liberation of Warsaw", "For the Liberation of Prague", "For the Capture of Berlin".

Motuzko Yakiv Ilarionovych was the captain. He was awarded the Medal of Merit, the Order of the Red Star, and the Medal of Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

We remember, we are proud, we are grateful, we love.

Evseenko Sergey Andreevich 

Degtyarev Fedor Timofeevich (1904 - 1962), my uncle. He left for the front from Yampol, where he was from June 17, 1942, where he returned after the war on July 17, 1945. He served in the infantry, private.

On the reverse side of the photo inscription:

“To the long and good memory of Pasha's beloved wife from her husband and warrior Fedi. 25. VI. 1944 Remembrance of the Great Patriotic War with the fascist occupiers, glory to the fighters for the Motherland. Death to German reptiles "

Korotunov Mikhail Viktorovich   

Grandfather, Karatunov Pavel Fedorovich, 1901 left as a volunteer on 25.06.41, from 12.07.41 enrolled in 47SP 15SD 2 Fur Corps. Wounded in defensive battles near Kiev. After discharge from the hospital he fought near Artemovsk, Novozvanovka. He took part in the May 1942 offensive on Slavyansk, then transferred to 21 A. Defense on the Tim River, after the start of Operation Fredericus retreated to Stary Oskol, Kastornaya, Millerovo, Rostov, the Caucasus. Enlisted in the 3rd Battalion, 1339 SP 318 SD 18 A. For participation in the landing operation on Novorossiysk was awarded the medal "For Courage". In December 1943 he was awarded the Order of the Red Star for fighting as part of a distracting landing on the Eltigen bridgehead (Crimea). Further fate is unknown.

Father-in-law, Volkov Nikolai Ivanovich, participant in the Winter War of 1939-1940

October 12, 1941. As part of 24A 37 Inzhbat echelon moves to the Vyazma region. Together with 600,000 Red Army fighters, he was taken prisoner in the Vyazemsky Kotl. Three escapes from the Dulags of the Smolensk region. Fights in the partisan unit of the 1st partisan division "D" (named "Grandfathers") in the 1st regiment of the 3rd battalion, platoon commander, lieutenant.

Captured again in July 1942, Dulag, Dorogobuzh, Stalag 1X A, then 1 HB (district for the sick and income)  Stammlager IX A was located southwest of Kassel. Released in 1945

Since 1965 he has been recognized as a war veteran. Received award hours, commemorative medals, the Order of the Patriotic War in 1985 (anniversary)

 Grandma's brother, Legostaev Alexander Savelyevich, fought in anti-aircraft artillery, major, medalist.

  Legostaev Peter Savelyevich, machine gunner, returned without a leg, bearer of the Order.

Legostaev Ivan Savelyevich, private, died in the spring of 1945 in Hungary.

Maternal uncle Soft-headed Leonid Alexandrovich, and the Red Army since 1939, fought in 64 OZADN (anti-aircraft gunner) 22.08.42 shot down two enemy aircraft (Heinkel 111 and Junkers Yu-88) awarded the Order of the Red Star. At that time, his calculation shot down 22 planes. He was awarded the medal "For Military Merit", "For Victory over Germany", the Order of the Patriotic War 1 Art.

Grandma's sister's husband, Telnykh Nikita Semenovich, fought in the infantry reconnaissance platoon of 7 years Air. Landing. regiment 2 VDD. Order of "Glory" 3rd st., "Red Star", medals "For Courage" (two).


Stukanova Julia Rostislavovna

My great-grandfather Levik Markovich Shustin, a native of Richitsa, Belarus, fought in World War II and came to Berlin. Fortunately, he returned alive, thanks to the evacuation and his family survived - his wife Balyaz children. They lived a long life, raised four daughters, one of whom was my paternal grandmother Sofia Stukanova (Shustina). Levik Markovich never wanted a war, which is probably why he said little about it… Remember.


Sergey Gladkikh