Congratulations on winning the competition!

Congratulations on winning the competition!

Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (Severodonetsk) hosted XIV All-Ukrainian student translation contest "Artistic word in world culture - 2020", held within the linguistic and cultural project "Translation as a phenomenon of cognition and culture". Students of our institute actively took part in it. Among them are Anastasia Kulik, Valeria Pashchenko, Anna Dolgikh, Elizaveta Avdeeva, Irina Yablochko, Darya Goncharenko.

The competition was held for the best translation of selected poetic and prose works from English, German, French into Ukrainian or Russian, and vice versa - from Ukrainian and Russian to English, German, French in 12 nominations.

In the nomination "Translation of a poetic work from the Ukrainian language into French" the third-year student of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic languages won Anastasia Kulik. She took 2nd place for the translation of L. Kostenko's work "Wings".

Valeria Pashchenko, A fourth-year student at the Faculty of Romano-Germanic languages, she won the nomination "Translation of a poetic work from French into Russian" and also took 2nd place for the translation of the work of French poet Pierre-Jean de Beranger "Spring and Autumn".

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Nadiya Anatoliivna Potreba inspired the girls to take part in the competition.

We truly thank all the participants and winners of the competition for their involvement in the development and dissemination of language culture, interest in translation activities! We wish you creative inspiration and inspiration for new successes!

Sergey Gladkikh