On November 9, at 9:00 am, students, teachers and staff of our university joined the celebration of the Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language, as well as the writing of the jubilee XX Radio Dictation of National Unity.

Poems by Lina Kostenko and Dmytro Bilous were heard at the beginning of the online meeting. Kahoot.

Then, with a sinking heart, we listened to and wrote the text of the dictation "Challenges of the Book Age", specially prepared to this day by the famous master of the Ukrainian word Ivan Malkovich and masterfully read by actress Rimma Zubina. The atmosphere of spiritual unity with the whole state, created by participating in the national action, inspired everyone present to create a common cloud of tags from words that reproduce the national face of the Ukrainian language. Dean of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication Valentina Gavrilovna Marakhovska demonstrated a picture she had painted in her own hand for this holiday. So let the feeling of co-creation and solidarity accompany us in the future!
