Achievements of our students

Achievements of our students

Our institute is a source of talented students. They never stop developing and always find interesting opportunities. Even the difficult situation in the world does not stop them. On the contrary, it is a chance to find new ways of self-development and mastering new knowledge.

Many people know about the various online learning services, but few actually use them. Our students are trying to master these platforms, and we can already see the results.

For example, Anton Zubenko, a second-year student, has long been interested in website development and web design, so he devoted his free time to mastering this field. And today he already has a diploma to complete the online course "My new online profession in 5 weeks" on the platform "WayUp". This document will help Anton to work as a freelancer in his free time and become a real specialist in the future. Keep it up!

Our students also participate in various scholarship programs. Victoria Usyk, an active fourth-year student, was a participant in the Surrad Place 2019/20 program of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Scholars were selected with special regard to their socio-political and social activities, as well as academic achievements. This is a major achievement and we are proud of Vika. Good luck!

Special attention is paid to scientific work at the institute. This is closely monitored, because we value first and foremost quality training. And for good reason! Most recently, in November, Maria Pavlova, a first-year student, took second place in the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific and practical works of the Small Academy of Sciences. The girl has been interested in science since school. She started with the regional competition, where she first won third, second and finally first place. During the quarantine period, she had to go to Kyiv to defend her job - and Masha did. "Getting a place in the defense in Kiev was my main goal, and I'm glad I did it!" - Masha comments. We are also happy with you and hope for further scientific success!

Recently, the International Student Day was celebrated, which was timed to coincide with the competition "Best Student of the Year". Students of all higher education institutions of Bakhmut took part in the competition. Among the winners - a contestant from our institute Bezmen Nikita, a first-year master's student. He is an active student, public figure and representative of a political party. Inspiration to him in later life!

We can not fail to celebrate the achievements of our winners in sports. We educate many young people who care about a healthy body and spirit! One of them is Taranenko Gleb, a first-year student. In recent months, he received two diplomas in the Donetsk Regional Mixed Martial Arts MMA Championship: first and second place. We hope that Gleb's good example will motivate other students to do more sports and just be more active. Even in quarantine!

And we will continue to monitor the achievements of our students. Do not be bored, develop and be active! Because not only smart, but also very talented students study at GIIM.
