Director - student: talk about the main thing

Director - student: talk about the main thing

The announced meeting of students with the candidate for the position of director, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Belitskaya Eugenia Nikolaevna took place yesterday, February 17, 2021, in the assembly hall of the Institute. Many students of higher education from the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication and the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages gathered. The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 05.02.2021 № 83 was useful due to the changes in which we were able to fill the assembly hall for 50 % seats and at the same time meet the requirements of restrictive anti-epidemic measures to prevent the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19.

Students heard a candid story about how they become the head of a higher education institution, whether fate asks you about it and how to create a team of like-minded people for whom the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages equates the concept of "family". History and present, difficulties and prospects, famous graduates and current students - the participants of the meeting talked about everything. It was useful and necessary for both parties to find out what worries them, what are the ways to solve urgent problems, as well as to find out the degree of support for each other.

We hope that students have heard the answers to their questions and, as a result, student self-government will be a powerful force that will help everyone feel that the student years are the best time to gain momentum for a rapid rise in life.

Sergey Gladkikh