Literary translation competition

Literary translation competition

Dear friends!

We invite you to take part in the Covid-19 und deutsche Netzliteratur literary translation competition. Participants in this Competition must perform a literary translation into Ukrainian of one (or several) works by German writers that have been published on the literary platform Creative works of students of secondary schools of Donetsk region and students of higher education institutions are accepted for participation in the Competition.

Competition will continue with  February 22  2021 year on  March 23 2021 year.

Applications for participation in Kcompetition and competition materials are accepted to March 19 2021 year.  Summarizing the results of the Competition and determining the winners will last from March 20, 2021 to March 22, 2021.  Results Kon course will be adthey are  on the website of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Pedagogical University "DDPU" March 22, 2021.

 The awarding of the winners of the Competition will take place on March 23, 2021.

To participate in the Competition, each applicant must send an application (See Annex 1) and the text of his personal creative translation to the e-mail address. marked "Creative Translation".  

The application and the text of the creative translation should be sent electronically in Word format; font (font) Times; formatting: skittle 14; line spacing - single; paragraph indent - 1.25; text alignment - width, for the title - center; margins - two centimeters (2 cm) on all four sides (top, bottom, right, left). 

         The works submitted for participation in the Competition will be evaluated by the Jury according to the following criteria: 

  • the ability to accurately and accurately convey the idea of the original work; 
  • creative approach to literary translation; 
  • presence of own author's style; 
  • correctness of the text of the creative translation.

Contact person: Lyudmila Ivanivna Morozova, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of the Department of German Philology GIIM SHEI "DDPU"

Contact person's phone number: 050 1741383

We wish you success!

Sergey Gladkikh