The course of psychological training: the second day

The course of psychological training: the second day

On the second day of a series of psychological trainings, participants were introduced to the topic "Emotional intelligence: to know or feel?". At the training of Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology GIIM Diana Drozdova introduced the audience to the concept of "emotional intelligence": what is its feature, what is important and what is the relationship between life satisfaction and EQ.

"A normal smile in the morning will contribute to the development of emotional intelligence", - the training leader notes.

Participants learned to monitor their emotional state, received formulas that will help to better understand yourself, your feelings, learned how to update your emotional state and how to "hack" your brain so that it works only for you;)

All this happened with the help of interesting exercises that affect EQ.

"Thank you for introducing me to the formulas of emotional literacy, I will definitely use them!" - answered one of the participants of the training.

Do you want to improve your life? Then watch the training record at YouTube:

But don't forget to join us today:

26.02, Friday, 18: 00-19: 30: "Self-confidence: overcoming the fear of error" - presenter Tetyana Borozentseva (Ph.D.


Conference ID: 822 8506 4928

Access code: 123

Sergey Gladkikh