Training for facilitators on organizing and holding the interactive educational exhibition "Mental Trek"

Training for facilitators on organizing and holding the interactive educational exhibition "Mental Trek"

From May 11 to 14, a training was held in the conference hall of the Bakhmut Hotel, the purpose of which was to prepare a team of facilitators for the organization and IOV "Mental Trek".

Trainers - Sofia Bambulya (by the way, our student, participant of SNT) and Olesya Lysenko - for four days taught the participants methods and contributed to the improvement of skills for further work with teenagers and young people on the subject of Mental health.

The participants were students, scientific and pedagogical workers of the Institute of Medical Sciences, educators from the city of Bakhmut and guests from the city of Druzhkivka.

As a result of the training, the participants mastered a set of basic knowledge on the topic "Mental health" for carrying out the educational process in accordance with the content of the interactive educational exhibition; developed communication skills of the facilitation process; practiced the ability to organize effective interaction with groups while working at the stations of the interactive educational exhibition "Mental Trek", etc.

The training and exhibition will be organized as part of the project "Mental health for Ukraine" (Mental Health for Ukraine (MH4U)), implemented with the support of Switzerland and provided through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and with the assistance of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

The interactive exhibition "Mental Trek" not only informs about the means of maintaining and achieving one's own mental health in everyday life and in crisis situations, but also teaches to be tolerant of people who have mental disorders or are in a state of mental distress, teaches the ability to support such people

The exhibition is a unique educational tool. Thanks to the methodology used in "Mental Trek", young people - participants - perceive complex, important, and sometimes painful material productively and relatively easily.

This can be said with confidence, based on the experience of its wide application on other complex topics (prevention of human trafficking, HIV/AIDS, etc.).

The key here is that the technique immerses the visitors of the exhibition in the topic, encourages them to actively participate in the process of studying the issue, to be open and share their own experience in finding answers to important questions of mental well-being.

Lively, interesting and unexpected - these are usually the words used by the participants of the exhibition after participating in it.

And the first experimental exhibition was already held at the GIIIM - on 20.05, in the 106th auditorium. Our students became more knowledgeable about the topic of Mental health and willingly shared their thoughts with the facilitators. Another exhibition is on the way, so keep an eye on the announcements to make sure you get to it ;)

Sergey Gladkikh