Student achievement - May

Student achievement - May

Our institute is a source of talented students. They never stop developing and always find interesting opportunities. And these are not only achievements in education, where the manifestation of intellectual abilities and initiative are evaluated, but also creativity, erudition and motivation for self-development outside of educational activities.

In May, students finally returned to their usual mode of education, classes resumed in classroom mode, everyone seemed to have woken up after a long sleep.

And it happened very timely - from May 11 to 14, a training was held in the conference hall of the "Bakhmut" hotel, the purpose of which was to prepare a team of facilitators for organizing and conducting IOV "Mental Trek".

Students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years, scientific and pedagogical workers of the Institute of Medical Sciences, educators from the city of Bakhmut and guests from the city of Druzhkivka took part in the training.

You can view all the details and photos here link.

Also, the exhibition has already been held by our newly appointed facilitators in GIIIM and in the city of Bakhmut. Participating students became more knowledgeable about Mental health and had an interesting experience.

All this time, scientific activity at the institute did not stop. Scientific conferences were held in which our students actively participated, improving themselves as young scientists.

So, in particular, student Kovalenko Sofya became a participant of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical online conference "Philosophy for children: current state and development prospects". The conference program provided consideration of such topics as giftedness and creativity in the era of digital reality, philosophy for children as a means of forming educational competencies, features of the implementation of philosophy for children in the New Ukrainian School, etc.

Thank you for showing interest in such important topics of our time!

Our institute is an active participant in various charity events. Recently, the Student Parliament visited the institute animal protection society "Lada" city of Bakhmut. The visit was made by students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years. They helped walk the dogs of the shelter, handed over self-made beds for animals and funds for the needs of the shelter.

We are very glad that our students are interested in the life of our younger brothers!

5th-year student Bezmen Mykyta is an active public figure and participated in Regional debate tournament in the city of Bakhmut and together with his team "Dignity" took 3rd place. Congratulations!

And these are far from all the achievements of the students of GIIM - we are sure that a large number of students who make the history of our institute every day modestly wished to keep silent about the stories of their success. Or simply did not have time to share such stories with us!

However, you should not hide your achievements - share them with us, and we will be proud of you;)

Do you want to tell about your achievements? Write to us in telegram @HIFL_stud!

Sergey Gladkikh