The joint archaeological expedition of students of higher education of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University and Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of Donbas State Pedagogical University continues. Its participants received the first and very important results: the burial of the catacomb archaeological culture was opened. Currently, archaeologists are continuing the study of burials #1-3, as well as the remains of the burial of the log culture. For all those interested, we provide more detailed information:

Burial No. 1.

Donetsk catacomb culture. Early Bronze Age. XXVII - XXVI centuries. B.C. A young woman with an infant and a child in the birth canal was buried. Lies in the catacomb on the right side, facing the exit. The burial set includes a clay pot, a bronze knife, a bronze piercing and two flint chips. The grave is flooded with water, which complicates excavation and study.

Burial No. 2.

Donetsk catacomb culture. Early Bronze Age. XXVI - XXIV centuries. B.C. A middle-aged man is buried. Lies in the right part of the catacomb on the right side, facing the exit. There are no ribs in the skeleton and the skull is deformed by the collapse. In the burial set, next to the left is an ornamented clay pot, further - ritual bones and the head of an animal - a bull, which lie on the step in front of the exit. Astragalus was also found there.

Burial No. 3.

Donetsk catacomb culture. Early Bronze Age. XXVI - XXV centuries. B.C. An elderly woman is buried. Lies in the catacomb on the right side, facing the catacomb exit. In the burial set, on the left, there is an ornamented clay pot, further - ritual bones and the head of an animal - a sheep. Three sandy steps lead to the burial ground on the left side at the entrance.

The expedition continues. We wish new discoveries from the ancient history of our region.

Sergey Gladkikh