It's always nice to meet a friend. Especially when I have worked side by side with him for many years, when strict rules and quarantine restrictions are lifted and you can hug a dear person and sit, chatting, over tea and not in a hurry - the school year is over.

         On the second of July, we had a wonderful guest - Lyudmila Illivna Serdyukova, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor. She devoted her entire life to the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages. Lyudmila Illivna's work experience at our institute was more than 51 years! Her daily and persistent work at the department of Germanic philology enriched the world with a huge number of high-class linguists. Maternal attitude towards the student made it possible to raise real teachers who pass on her science to young people. Lyudmila Illivna has a lot to be proud of, and we are proud of her, because it is such people - hardworking, kind, demanding first of all, devoted to our Alma-mater - that are her honor and pride.

         The time of the meeting flew by imperceptibly, events were mentioned, good stories were told about colleagues who worked at the institute, thanks and hopes were expressed. Our team will always be happy to see people for whom the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages is life.

Sergey Gladkikh