On August 11, 2021, a training on the development of information and literacy skills for entrants from the temporarily occupied territories was held on the basis of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Pedagogical University. Training topic: "Media literacy. Social networks: it is impossible to forbid ".

They talked about the stages of development of the information space, the daily growth of information flow, the impact of social networks on the formation of human consciousness, and hence - the urgent need to develop media literacy skills in the younger generation. They learned to recognize fakes and manipulations, clickbait in the media, distinguish facts and judgments. The content of the documentary "Social Dilemma" was discussed, in which former employees of the largest technology companies talk about the mechanisms and algorithms that underlie the activities of social networks.

The participants of the training learned whether they know how to competently perceive and disseminate information during the exercises "Instruction" *, "Snowflake" *; try yourself in the role of correspondents, editors of respected periodicals of Ukraine, performing exercises "Change of news" *, "Pictures on the back" *; found out how much time a day they spend on the media and whether they got into the information bubble; created a map of ideas "What is media literacy for me".

* The exercises were developed and provided for use by the Council for International Research and Exchanges (IREX) with the support of the Embassy of the United States and the British Embassy in Ukraine, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Press Academy.

Vladislav Wanda