What was the first meeting of the institute and freshmen in 2021?

What was the first meeting of the institute and freshmen in 2021?

Years of study at the institute - an important and exciting stage in the formation of human personality. Following admission to a higher education institution, a novice student faces many hitherto unknown situations: moving to another city, new acquaintances with teachers and peers, changes in the usual atmosphere and learning conditions. And this often first experience of independent living against the background of complete confusion and prolonged socialization is not always full of feelings of joy and freedom.

To prevent many such problems in the regulations of the educational process of freshmen, there was a zero semester. The initial study period consisted of only two days, but during this short time freshmen managed not only to get acquainted in a warm, friendly and relaxed atmosphere, but also to learn more about the educational process, student initiation, meet with graduating departments and curators, talk to leaders functional bodies of the institute.    

Day one: 1000 and 1 question

September 1 is the starting point in the life of freshmen and the institute. On this day, students had to learn about the rights and responsibilities of family members of GIIM, meet and communicate with representatives of all departments of the institute directly involved in daily work with students - dean's office, graduating departments, student parliament, departments of educational and scientific work, social support, trade unions, libraries, education quality monitoring center and information and computer support services. Such informative meetings helped freshmen to learn about the rules, procedures and traditions of GIIM, to understand what issues and where to turn for help and support.

At the end of the first day of acquaintance with the institute students were invited to the express line. After wishing success on the path of professional development from the director of the institute E.M. Belitskaya was awarded first-year students for high results in the preparation of disciplines of external independent assessment, as well as a solemn dedication to students. 

Day two: let's get acquainted

The second of September

In order to organize the process of acquaintance of freshmen with the Department of Psychology, a training program was developed. Each freshman had the opportunity to share their concerns about future changes, receive support, and make friends with classmates and students from other groups in their stream.

Vladislav Wanda