Psychology Week at GIIM

Psychology Week at GIIM

It has become a tradition to hold the Psychology Week at the GIIM twice a year. In autumn, events organized by teachers of the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication are dedicated to World Mental Health Day, that is noted 10 October.

Launched in 1992 at the initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health, World Mental Health Day aims to raise public awareness of mental health issues and ways to improve them. as well as prevention and treatment of mental disorders.

The World Health Organization estimates that nearly 1 billion people worldwide suffer from mental disorders. Information overload, political and economic cataclysms in the world contribute to the growth of morbidity, and stress is a harbinger of disease. Another negative factor for the mental health of the population was the COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupted the normal lives of billions of people around the world.

All activities prepared by the Department of Psychology during the "Week of Psychology" - from 9 to 13 October, are aimed at strengthening the mental resources of man, improving the so-called "mental" immunity, which allows to overcome any difficulties in life.

October 9, 2021:

  • Lecturer of the department, practicing psychologist and supervisor Inna Valentynivna Dolya conducted a practical lesson on prevention and overcoming of crisis situations for students of 402 group;
  • Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Hrytsuk Oksana Viktorivna conducted a master class for higher education students on the topic: "Correction of psychosomatic disorders in children". Applicants got acquainted with the basics of therapeutic coffee painting, mastered the "coffee technique" of psychological correction of psychosomatic diseases and learned to conduct with clients the technique of "Ancient Doors".

October 11, 2021 at 18.00:

  • Olena Gennadyevna Razumova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department, conducts an open air of Mental Health on Instagram. The main speaker of the interactive dialogue IV Dolya talks about somatic consequences of mental trauma and shares techniques for overcoming them with help the method of Thomas Hann.

October 12, 2021:

  • Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Art. teacher Razumova OG organizes interactive exhibition "Mental Health». 2nd year students of FSMK will discuss important issues related to the prevention of their own mental health, methods of self-help in stressful situations; will receive advice on who to turn to for help in a difficult hour.

October 13, 2021:

  • Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Practitioner Family Psychologist, Associate Professor of Psychology Tetyana Borozentseva conducts a webinar "How to overcome depression" (19:00 - 21:00) Participants in the online meeting will have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers on practical methods of overcoming unwanted emotional states. 

Vladislav Wanda