On October 18, 2021, the institute hosted an event to teach the rules of safe behavior in the presence of risks posed by mines and other explosive devices. 

The training was conducted by representatives of the Ukrainian Deminers Association (UDA).

During the event, employees of the structural units of the institute gained practical knowledge about mine danger and the model of correct behavior in various dangerous situations.

Rules for handling explosive objects

Explosive devices should be understood as any devices, means, suspicious objects that can explode under certain conditions.

Explosive items include:

Explosives - chemical compounds or mixtures capable under the influence of certain external actions (heating, impact, friction, explosion of another explosive device) to rapid self-propagating chemical transformation, with the release of large amounts of energy and the formation of gases.

Ammunition - disposable military equipment designed to impress the enemy's manpower. Ammunition includes: missile warheads; aviation bombs; artillery ammunition (shells, mines); engineering ammunition (anti-tank and anti-personnel mines); hand grenades; small arms ammunition (ammunition for pistols, carbines, submachine guns, etc.);

Pyrotechnic devices: cartridges (signal, lighting, simulation, special); explosive packages; firecrackers; missiles (lighting, signal); grenades; smoke bombs.

Improvised explosive devices - devices in which at least one element of a design of self-made manufacturing is applied: self-made mines-traps;

mini-surprises that mimic household items, children's toys or things that attract attention.


If I find a suspicious object

The model of correct behavior:


Rule 2: STOP, but do not move, CHECK if there is anything else suspicious nearby, looking carefully around

Rule 3: REMOVE CAREFULLY away from danger, if possible moving the way you came (at least 300 m)

Rule 4: IN A SAFE PLACE LEAVE A MARK (red ribbon, handkerchief, etc.) and NOTIFY the rescue service by phone - 101

Vladislav Wanda